At the reaping ceremony of the annual Hunger Games, which is used as a reminder of the Districts’ (used to be 13 districts; it is now 12) defeat by the Capitol many decades ago, Prim was selected to be one of the tributes of District 12, “ ‘I …show more content…
Some tributes approach to the Cornucopia, where the supplies are placed, and get killed by Career Tributes, also known as Careers, who are tributes who have been trained for the Games their entire lives. Katniss takes Haymitch advice and runs away, while Peeta joins the Careers. Katniss later gets injured when running away from the wall of fire that was moving towards her direction. While hiding on a tree, she notices Rue, the female tribute from District 11. She points out a nest of lethal tracker jackers near Katniss. Katniss cuts the tree branch that the nest is attached to, dropping it onto the Careers under the tress. Two Careers die from the stings while the others scatter. During escape, she remembers one dead Career was using a bow and arrows, which are the weapons Katniss is good at using. She returns to get the weapons, Peeta arrives and shouts at her to run since Cato, the most deadly Career from District 2, appears. Peeta fights him so she can escape, and he suffers a serious injury from the fight as