Analysis of KBIT-2 scores found Hunter demonstrating an unbalanced skill set between his verbal skills and his spatial, visually based skills. Hunter demonstrates a statically stronger verbal skills set (31 points) as compared to his extremely low or intellectually deficient nonverbal skills.
Analysis of KBIT-2 subtests found Hunter demonstrating below average to intellectually deficient cognitive skills in all tested areas. These included such abilities as word knowledge, verbal comprehension, and non-verbal patterns dealing with spatial and fluid reasoning. Hunter was statistically stronger in verbal knowledge and weaker with his nonverbal …show more content…
He displayed difficulty paying attention when responding to auditory input as opposed to pencil paper tasks. The following results were obtained while Hunter was on his ADHD medication, and indicate the medication is assisting him by enhancing his focus on visual information; however, he is still presenting struggles with attending to auditory instruction. Hunter’s ADHD is impacting his cognitive performance with it being fairly evident that he focuses and works much better when kept busily engaged with his