Twenty years ago it was acceptable to spank children in public; however, in 2016 it is considered wrong to hit a child. Thinking about the scrutiny that currently surrounds spanking children made me realize…
Spanking has been an effective way for parents to reprimand their children if they misbehave or act inappropriately. Until recently, spanking has been a culturally acceptable form of punishment for children between the ages of one to five. In fact, 65% of 3-year-old children had been spanked within the last month (Lee, Altschul, and Gershoff 2017). However, many disagree with the idea of spanking their children, due to the fact that it may cause more aggressive behavior. Instead of spanking, people have turned to a warmth parenting style which includes “affection, comfort, concern, nurturance, support, and good old fashioned love (Lee, Altschul, and Gershoff 2018) .”…
He continues on citing the source from 2011, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNA) issued a statement noting that corporal punishment is a serious risk to childhood development, that can cause antisocial behavior and gives the children a greater chance of being violent in their adulthood. He adds another similar source after that by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, in a statement released in 2012 that explains even though corporal punishment might modify the behavior for the time being, it doesn’t fix the behavior over time and it can lead to increased aggressive behavior and less appropriate…
The Catcher In The Rye At some point in one’s life, they go through the struggle of growing up. The factor of stress, pleasing your parents as well as peer pressure start to sink in. We can see just how adolescence affects and changes one in the novel The Catcher In The Rye. Throughout the novel, The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger, the reader can infer that childhood adolescence as well as the loss of innocence shapes the protagonist, Holden Caulfield.…
Bell Hooks’ All About Love is a philosophical book that discusses love in modern day society. Freedom, love, and commitment are three topics where Hooks imbricates other ideas proposed by other philosophers discussed in our course. Her thought processes relate to Fromm, Frankl on two separate ideas, and also Tillich. Bell Hooks and Fromm are correlated due to their shared views on using freedom as a means to commit to something or someone. Fromm says in his book Escape From Freedom that committing to one pathway gives you all the freedom in the world on that path.…
This is the reason why spanking is not looked down on harshly. Almost everyone has been spanked but only when it was deserved. Likewise the parent is most of the time not trying to injure the child; they are simply trying to teach a lesson by causing the child minor pain or uncomfort. The problem with spanking is that it does emotional damage. Kids that were regularly physical punished where more likely to have depression, substance abuse, and other mental problems.…
Spanking has long been implemented as a form of discipline to correct misbehavior in children. As the proverb goes, “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them”. While spanking, or more professionally referred to as corporal punishment, has stood as a tried and trusted means of discipline, controversy regarding its integrity, value, and effects has been brought to serious question; and really, this shouldn’t be terribly shocking. The most basic and fundamental aspect of spanking itself is to strike an individual, and this can seem entirely skewed. However, when done in an appropriate manner, corporal punishment ultimately benefits those who receive its brunt in ways that other punishment methods fail to do as effectively.…
Bell Hooks We all face challenges in the world and we’re the only ones who can decide if we should remain silent or speak out. Bell Hooks from a very young age was a person who spoke out and talked back to others when she did not agree with what they had to say or if she had a different idea. At a very young age, “growing up in a small segregated town in Kentucky” (noteablebiographies), she grew up having to be a someone who stood up for what she thought was right and did not back down. This characteristic of talking back, really shaped her style of writing growing up.…
Just because someone isn’t in your life doesn’t mean they can’t impact you. Everyone who comes and goes has made an impact on you one way or another and some last longer than others. Once somebody comes into your life they won’t stay the same and will lose their innocence. Similarly, in The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield always references characters in his life that have had a lasting impact on him such as his brother Allie. He has shaped Holden’s life throughout the story.…
The Spanking Controversy Four out of five Americans believe it is “sometimes appropriate” to spank a child (Horton). Does painful punishment build a better person? Over the years, there has been a lot of back and forth controversy over whether or not it is an acceptable form of punishment for parents to spank their children. This subject is interesting because I have a 3 year old son who is wild and crazy, and sometimes does not do as he is told.…
There are different opinions based on this topic that causes an up roar in cultures and different regions of the U.S. I express my opinions throughout the paper solely on personal experiences as a child. Most parent prefer not to spank their children or kid because some think it could cause aggression within the child by demonstrating violent…
I agree, in my opinion spanking your child can be an effective way to administer punishment especially if the child is caught in the act of doing something wrong; but I think that if you were to spank the child a while after he or she has already done something wrong it would not be as effective as being caught in the act. As a child, I can remember when my parents would give me a spanking for something I did wrong and most of the time if they caught me in the act and punished me right then and there it stuck better in my head. For example, when I was around 9 years old my dad taught me how to hunt for doves every season we would hunt doves and shoot them.…
Parents have to be cautious when disciplining their children to avoid trouble. Unfortunately, there is not a set behavior that warrants a spanking. Some sources say that it is okay to spank because it aids in building a strong relationship of respect with the parent and child, and it results in well-mannered children and adults. Parents also say that it is normal to spank children and that it is just disciplinary actions (“The Spanking Debate” 1).…
The Liberating Marriage and Partnership chapter (Feminism is for everybody) by Bell Hooks we are given an introduction into the feminist movement with regards to marriage and partnership. Hooks brings her view on the role of feminism and marriage into light as she walks us through the early feminist movement and the impact it had on marriages and partnerships. She argues that man’s view on women must change in order for the patriarchal view on marriage to reform. First of all, one of the most important ideas in the feminist movement was the one based around the idea that women should be free to do what they choose with their bodies. “Contemporary feminists, both those heterosexual women who had come from long-time marriages and lesbian allies…
How love and justice relate to each other? There are three views: “[Love and Justice] are opposed, but they focus on one or the other”, “they are opposed but they try to hold them in tension”, or “they are complementary and need one another.” Most people follow the assertion that love and justice go together, and they cannot be separated from each other. However, the people who believe that justice is the what they deserve from what they did, they are on the side of love and justice are opposed one another. Reinhold Niebuhr is one of the ethicist to believe that justice and love are opposed one another.…