Bell Hooks All About Love

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Bell Hooks’ All About Love is a philosophical book that discusses love in modern day society. Freedom, love, and commitment are three topics where Hooks imbricates other ideas proposed by other philosophers discussed in our course. Her thought processes relate to Fromm, Frankl on two separate ideas, and also Tillich. Bell Hooks and Fromm are correlated due to their shared views on using freedom as a means to commit to something or someone. Fromm says in his book Escape From Freedom that committing to one pathway gives you all the freedom in the world on that path. Hooks discusses in All About Love how she believes commiting to a relationship is the key to true freedom. A relationship is an example of a pathway to commit to. Hooks points out that commitment may seem limiting, but the opposite is actually true. She goes on further to describe how if you are actually in love and committed, you have the freedom to be yourself and not put on a facade. Fromm is not the only author/philosopher we learned about in class that relates to Hooks, though. In Man’s Search for Meaning and All About Love, Frankl and Hooks’ views on love and suffering overlap heavily and are essentially the same. Hooks and Frankl both believe that love is the only way to fully comprehend one’s partner. In addition, Frankl focuses heavily on suffering, finding …show more content…
They each think that you fully invest yourself in your partner, then you give them the gift of fearlessness by eliminating all threats of loss. This makes that partner more confident in himself or herself. They also believe that being unafraid of death makes you love your life. They explain that embracing death allows you to interact with the world more openly; you are able hide feelings less and become more aware of the people around you. In other words, befriending mortality allows you to befriend vulnerability which gives you more openness, generosity, and ability to be a loving

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