Most people follow the assertion that love and justice go together, and they cannot be separated from each other. However, the people who believe that justice is the what they deserve from what they did, they are on the side of love and justice are opposed one another.
Reinhold Niebuhr is one of the ethicist to believe that justice and love are opposed one another. Niebuhr believes that love and justice is the different spirit of life. Niebuhr’s understanding of love is only Jesus can do, and the human beings can do the closest thing that social relationship among human beings, but not the love like Jesus did. Niebuhr’s understanding of love is sacrificial love. Niebuhr’s understanding of justice is the same as his understanding of love. He believes that “the ideal of justice society can’t be completely […] justice [in the society] that is only justice is less than justice.” However, he believes that love, human being tries, makes justice in the society, although justice, …show more content…
I am wondering about the contradiction of Niebuhr’s statements. His idea about the sacrificial love, sinful human being, and justice has a contradiction to justify the using power. How sinful human being can make justice in the society by using the power of sacrificial love, which we cannot do as Niebuhr