Jackie Blanchard: Humble Police Department

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For this interview assignment, I had the pleasure of conducting the interview with Ms. Jackie Blanchard, who is a detective through the Municipal Organization Humble Police Department. Detective Blanchard resides in Humble, Texas alongside her family. Once graduating from high school, Detective Blanchard went on to complete one semester of college, followed by the police academy through a college. Detective Blanchard is 50 years of age and has spent 27 of those years through various occupations, all acquired through the Humble Police Department. Detective Blanchard was on dispatch duty for three years, patrol duty for eleven years, and is currently a detective, as she has been for the past thirteen years. Detective Jackie Blanchard became …show more content…
There have been some instances in which she has become close to those families for a period of time and she must watch their grieving process and help them throughout their journey with the criminal justice system. Of course, alongside the worst, she stated that the best part of her job is being able to successfully place sexual predators and murderers in prison. In doing this, she is hopeful that she will save other’s lives that would have otherwise been affected if the offender wasn’t successfully …show more content…
This is so that once the selection process begins, they will be looked at by the administration as the best candidate for the job. She described the job as being a very satisfying one. Detective Blanchard gave very detailed advice regarding the best ways to land a job within law enforcement agencies. First and foremost, she stated that you must always have a clean record and never consume any form of illicit drugs. Agencies will complete a background investigation regarding each applicant, and would prefer to see people that are following the law as an adult prior to becoming an officer of the law. Detective Blanchard strongly suggests for the individuals seeking a career within law enforcement to attend college and receive a bachelor’s degree before applying. Although this is not required by her agency, this helps officers in getting promotions further down the line. Typically, an applicant must start at the position of a patrol officer in law enforcement agencies. In some cases, an applicant will begin as a detention officer in jailing environments. Detective Blanchard went on to state that if you do in fact receive the job at the starting position, always follow the policies and procedures that are in place. In doing so, you will not have

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