Today’s society consist of many diverse populations. Our nation is full of people from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds. The government conducts a survey of the census and provides information regarding the diversity of the nation. However, some individuals are lumped into a category and their culture is misrepresented.…
In David Brook’s article, “People Like Us”, he discusses how America is not really diverse. The United States as a whole has always identified as being a diverse country. In a way, this is true. There are people of all kinds of races, religions, personalities, political views, interest, and so forth, but yet there is still a lack of diversity. Diversity would be when all of the nation would be unified despite differences.…
The United States is not a country with people only having one nationality, but is one consuming of different races. Racial variety in the United States…
In spite of decades of diversity policy and practice, America is in many ways more divided than ever when it comes to issues of identity. Critics from the political left argue that we simply need more diversity to overcome the division, while critics from the political right argue that diversity has devolved into an unworkable set of unfair entitlements that are themselves the cause of the division. Understanding the Misunderstanding, the first part of the four-part series Ourselves Among Others: The Extravagant Failure of Diversity in America and An Epic Plan to Make It Work, explains the sources and causes of the social divide in America, and also shows how neither the political left nor the political right have understood the problem or…
Our nation has many different cultures, traditions, and beliefs. Because of these beliefs and the different cultures. It has helped shape our nation into what it is today. Without the different trades and cultures this country would not be as diversity as we are today. Think about who you are and what nationality you are.…
The debate, “Does America Cherish Diversity?” has a great popularity, and has brought a great deal of unique opinions. Patel believes that America cherishes it’s diversity, and McGregor does not think America cherishes it’s diversity. Our class overall believed that America does cherish it’s diversity, but I'm writing this to tell you my opinion not theirs. My opinion on the matter is that America does not cherish it’s diversity, and they should not have to, but they should respect other’s diversity, and others should respect their diversity from them. There are many reasons I believe America does not cherish diversity.…
Some Americans may assume that the diversity exists in their country because they can see multiple people with different colors walking down the streets. Nevertheless, it is not the proof that diversity is achieved in the USA. People with different nationalities still avoid contact with each other, interacting only with the chosen group of people who are similar to each other. In his article, “People Like Us”, David Brooks points out that despite the fact that America represents the diversity as a whole, people’s interactions show that this country is still homogeneous because individuals are not willing to interact with someone who is not like them. I agree that the lack of diversity is the point that needs emphasizing since so many people believe that a great variety of individuals with distinct appearances in one country is the evidence that the diversity is already achieved.…
Today in the U.S people are from everywhere, and the U.S become better and better. Diversification has created today's America. People who think diversity is bad for the development of the country are living in the old days. It already become history. Let’s think about the U.S history.…
From the days of the founding fathers, American has used all means to ensure that she does not lose the concept of one’s identity. The society and government as well as general organization have undergone different stages of revolution but have remained steadfast in ensuring that the full identity is not lost. Given the diversity in the modern days as well as the development of the American history, it is clear that pluralism has remained as strong as it was in the past. The changing democracy could have changed the American wellbeing. More so the competing corporate world would have voiced the opinion in changing how things works in the modern day America.…
America is one of the greatest countries in the world today and this is because of things that happened in its past. The diversity of immigrants from all over the world has impacted how Americans think. The patriotism and courage of those who serve their country also sets the example for how Americans should act. Americans are diverse due to their humble beginnings, and are patriotic and unified under America.…
Diversity is a driving force of the world today, and immigration leads to this diversity. People from different parts of world move to various countries for a better life or simply better lifestyle. Individuals and families leave comfort of their own home and move to a foreign country for a better living, fear and challenges that come along with this are beyond imagination. East indians are the second most asian originated population in US, isolation from their own cultural group to settle into a new one is well explained in Anderson’s “Breaking Bread” where Soni Gupta and Najia Pathan recall their childhood memories and relate to cooking then versus now. Cooking is an art of living in east indian families, time and effort that is invested…
How can our government be benign if we depend from it as much as it depends from us, the citizens? I don’t think it would be a good idea to aggravate the general population that in a way has much more power than the government it self. I feel like if there would be a day were the government would take advantage of its people, then that would be the day when the people of this country would stand against its government. In any matters where the people feel aggravated by its government am pretty sure the people will have a solution, and if that solution is to overwrite the way our government works then we shall do it. But talking about how or government treats us is very pleasant compared to other countries that only utilize they’re citizens to exploited them in hard labor…
Cultural difference make America what it is today. The variety makes for new experiences daily that you wouldn’t see anywhere else in the world. We shouldn’t shut people out who are different. It might be hard at first to be open to new people, but it could change you forever. You could gain relationships that will last forever.…
What is diversity? The definition diversity is “showing a great deal of variety; very different.” To me, the American culture is made of diversity. “American” is not a culture of its own. “American” is a culture made up of a variety of other cultures.…
In today’s society culture and the lifestyle of one’s self varies among each individual. Across the world there are different types of cultures, each identifying a person in a unique way. This culture diversity is defined as a way to differentiate among many other existing cultures based off many factors. Culture diversity in America is defined as a great contribution to society. Diversity itself enriches the world with many multinational cultures and customs that each individual contributes to society.…