In his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?,” Nicholas Carr writes that access to information with Google has cost people their ability to read lengthy texts, like long articles and books, and the ability of people being able to keep their attention span. Though ironically Carr’s article is long, whether he meant it or not. Though the length actually supports his point to readers, also myself. While reading this, many pause after a couple pages of text; supporting Carr’s experiences. Carr attempts to convince his readers his argument that because of online texts and web browsers, like google, the way people think has changed.…
Technology is advancing to where everyday tasks become simpler with a click of a button. Search engines like Bing, Yahoo, or even Google allow people to instantly find answers that we are looking for on any topic. In Nicholas Carr’s article “ Is Google Making Us Stupid,” he appeals to readers’ emotions to describe personal experiences, uses logic, facts, and analysis backed by research to lure the audience in, and persuades them that the internet causes our brain to be easily distracted and shortens our attention span. Carr starts off the article by explaining how he feels the internet is affecting how he focuses on tasks, and how “he can no longer be completely immersed in a book.’’ But as a writer, he also finds the internet to be a “godsend.’’…
In today's world we are introduced to new technology everyday, that is made to make our lives both easier and better. Although in the article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, author Nicholas Carr provides the reader with his own thoughts on how he feels that the internet is taking over. Carr first explains that the internet has caused focusing issues forever everyone including himself. And continues to add that his life has become immersed in the internet, for he now struggles to stay connected to one task without feeling any temptations to use the easier to access internet. Like all successful writers Carr had to use rhetorical appeals to draw in an audience to read his article.…
Nicholas Carr’s essay, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, argues something legitimate - the dumbing down of people as a result of overwhelming technology. Throughout this piece, Carr focuses on the influential power of technology in changing the way the mind works, referencing examples that span from the writings of Plato to anecdotes about his own experiences in using the Internet. Though Carr presents a solid argument, he fails to persuade due to two main issues: his assumptively negative perspective on technology’s effects and his lack of convincing, concrete evidence. Ultimately, Carr incorrectly thinks that Google, or technology in general, makes us “stupid;” rather, it allows for people to view information in a more efficient manner.…
Yemisrach Reta ENG 121-340 Professor Ashley Waterman 2 May 2017 Rhetorical Analysis of the Essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid” In “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Nicholas Carr uses some evidences in his argument in order to convince the idea of the other people . I believe Carr’s argument is effective because he starts explaining how he feels when he is reading a book and immersing himself in a book.…
Carr uses his own experiences with Google to inform his readers of the negative effects that it has had on our society so far and the damage it can cause in the future. His example includes how Google has allowed our society to adapt to bad habits such as skimming carelessly, as opposed to detailed analytical reading. He supports this theory by admitting that he notices himself skimming and finding short articles online because they tend to be more convenient. Due to the Internet’s convenience and access to abundant amounts of information, people tend to lean more towards skimming because reading everything the Internet provides us thoroughly, would take too much time. Carr's overall motive is to propagate to his readers that what he sees in the future is not acceptable and that we must do something to stop technology from controlling and negatively altering our cognitive functions.…
Summary and Rhetorical analysis of “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” In the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, Nicholas Carr suggests that the use of the internet is reprogramming the way we interpret words. Written in 2008, He suspects that people are relying too much on computers, and he feels that the audience should be aware of the arising situation. He starts by giving personal experiences of how he’s losing interest in books, suggesting that the audiences minds are becoming disengaged from the stories they read.…
The Hidden Emotions in the Logic of Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” In society, people tend to rely on their computers, smart phones, and other devices so much. Technology has rapidly increased since the beginning of the 2000s and accessing knowledge has never been easier. Information can be retrieved by a few clicks through a search bar on a flat screen. Many people today would say that search engines, such as Google, are saving time and energy.…
In the first article “is Google Making Us Stupid” by Nicholas Carr the main purpose that the author is trying to convey is how online searching and the quick return of the information from searching sites such as Google has affected the way we view and consume information. The author persistently states that to the instantaneous nature that the internet has created a just skimming culture in which information is just browsed and not digested or processed. To prove his argument he uses a number of perspectives including personal, scientific, and historical data. He believes that technology as a whole alters the neurological pathways changing the way we perceive things. Carr then goes on to state that algorithms created by Google are constantly…
In Nicholas Carr’s article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” he speaks of the effect recent technological advances and methods of portraying information has had on today’s society. The author opens by stating that the relatively recent creation of the internet has hampered the metal processes of everyday life. He uses examples he has faced in his own life due to the evolution of a high-tech culture. For example he says that he has realized his recent inability to sit for a long stretch of time and read, a setback he had not dealt with in years past.…
In the article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, Nicholas Carr emphasizes that he believes that the internet, Google in particular, is causing a negative change in the way people think. Throughout his article, Carr makes numerous great points and provides much evidence to support his claims. Although a majority of his points are valuable, not all convey his thoughts adequately or administer the right emotions. It is also important to point out that placing the blame solely on the internet, and not acknowledging that there are other factors that may contribute to this problem, is a bit of a reach. Carr cites different sources, such as theorist Marshall McLuhan and psychologist Maryanne Wolf, to give his statements some credibility.…
Do you believe google is making us stupid? According to Nicholas Carr’s essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid” as the internet becomes our main source of information it is affecting the way we read books and other long narratives, he also believes we are becoming more distracted. At the beginning of the essay Carr compares the way he feels to a scene from a film called “A Space Odyssey”; he states, “I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain” (313). One reason Carr is wrong is because many people believe using google in the proper way and using it when it is necessary can be quite beneficial, the internet helps us learn many things and it educates us in many ways.…
In Is Google Making Us Stupid, Carr and his friends have seen a shift in their cognitive experiences because of their time online with the expansive amount of information online. Carr mentions a blogger, Bruce Friedman, and he describes that the internet has altered with his brain, “I now have almost totally lost the ability to read and absorb a longish article on the web or in print,” and Friedman said that his thinking has taken this “staccato” sort of quality to it. Not only that, he cannot even read a “blog post of more than three or four paragraphs” without having to resort to skimming (Carr 93). This sort of behavior is something that the internet is teaching not just the young, but the average adult. According to Maryanne Wolf, reading is not a skill that we use as an “instinct,” unlike the natural urge to talk and communicate with others (Carr 94).…
The Influence of Google and the Technology Through history, society always has a new tool that makes an important and noticeable impact on their lives. Also, Broke Gladstone and Josh Neufeld point out in their article “The Influencing Machines” that throughout history the new medium has always been feared as making people in the future stupid and unable to think for themselves. In additional, Nicholas Carr in his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” explains the media and the internet changes how people process information. For example, people surface a lot of information about many things, but they do not surface for a deep information about anything (315). These ideas bring three important thoughts which are: the brain has changed by the…
Evaluation Essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” is a widespread essay written by Nicholas Carr. The essay is about how desired technology is making people think differently and how maybe google is being a little too helpful when someone is in need of an answer. Carr takes writing to a whole new level when he goes in depth to explain what the internet is doing to a human brain. He uses his own experiences and feelings to evaluate how he feels and what he believes on the effects of modern technology. Based on superior evidence, a strong view on the subject, and showing the changes Google is doing to a person’s way of thinking, the essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”…