This situation is helped described in the book To Kill A Mockingbird by the character Ms. Dubose. Ms. Dubose slowly tries to delay on using morphine everyday when she forced Jem to read to her. As Harper Lee tells the story, she is able to convey the meaning of courage through the actions of the character Ms. Dubose. Harper Lee uses characterization and internal conflict to demonstrate that courage is the ability to take risk to overcome difficult obstacles. Lee utilizes the literary element characterization to demonstrate Ms. Dubose’s participation to overcome a difficult task for …show more content…
Throughout the story, Atticus mentioned many times that it doesn’t hurt to try even if you don’t stand a chance. One example that helped describe Atticus’s mindset was when the odds were against Ms. Dubose was, “ it’s when you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyways and see it through” (Lee 112). This helps Lee emphasize that it doesn’t hurt to fight back difficult challenges down the road even if the odds are against you. Also she brings light to the fact that it's better to have a chance than to not have one at all. After Jem was given a candy box with a white camellia in it, he began to immerse himself in rage. To cool down Jem, Atticus mentioned, “I think that was her way of telling you everything’s all right now… You know she was a great lady” (Lee 112). Harper Lee demonstrates that actions speak louder than words through the character Atticus. Even though Ms. Dubose had said many bad things to him and his family, he showed respect to her when he knew that she died not relying on a pain reliever than suffering from it.
Throughout the story To Kill A Mockingbird , Harper Lee helps argue that real courage is the ability to go out of one’s way to make a change no matter what happens in the end. This concept can be applied to real life because when people don’t speak up about a problem or do anything about it, it will continue to happen over and over. The thesis of this essay