One of the reasons why Scout and Jem admire Atticus is because …show more content…
Throughout the story, the kids always look up to Atticus when they are sad or having hard times. They do this because they know Atticus always has an answer for them and that his advice will help them with their situation. The following quote is an example of Atticus teaching Jem about courage. “ ‘ I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand.”’ (149). This quote takes place after Mrs. Dubose passed away. Atticus is telling Jem that Mrs. Dubose was a very courageous person because she died without holding debt to anyone. In the quote, Atticus tells Jem that Mrs. Dubose is an example of a courageous person because of her qualities. A man with a gun in his hand may look courageous, but doesn’t have the right traits to truly have courage. Jem admires Atticus in the quote because of his wisdom and knowledge of courage. The next quote is another example of Atticus’ wisdom. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view” (39). Atticus says this because Scout is having trouble getting along with her new teacher Miss Caroline. Atticus tells Scout to consider things from her point of view and to realize the difficulty of teaching at a new school. Scout eventually learned from Atticus’ words and started to have more respect toward Miss Caroline. In this quote, Scout admires Atticus because of his knowledge