To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Brave Quotes

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SBD/TP-Whether Atticus is standing up for what is right, or taking one shot that might not hit the target, there is no denying that he is brave. A1-One day Scout (Atticus’ daughter) comes home from school and tells Atticus about Cecil Jacobs, (boy who goes to school with Scout) calling him a “nigger lover”(75). A2-Whenever Scout asks her dad why he chooses to defend a black man, Atticus tells her, “The main one is, if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again”(75). A3- This proves how brave Atticus is because Scout and Jem (Scout’s brother) mean the world to him and he would never want to cause them any harm. A4- The fact that he felt it necessary to risk their emotional state for Tom’s case really shows how brave he is. A5- Standing up for what is right, even when he knows it will cause hard times for him and his family, is one of the most courageous of Atticus’s actions. …show more content…
A6-Most white people during this time period think African Americans are below them, but Atticus knows better. B1/TR/R-Additionally, Atticus shows courage when he shoots Tim Johnson. B2- Mr. Heck Tate tells Atticus that he only has one shot because if the bullet misses the dog, then it will go straight into the Radley house. B3- Atticus states, “I haven’t shot a gun in thirty years--”(96). B4- Even with this information in mind Atticus still takes the gun and shoots.B5-This statement proves his bravery once again because he is risking shooting someone when he only has one shot, and he has not shot a gun in thirty years. SBD/CL- Although superheroes are brave, Atticus displays his courage through extraordinary actions as he faces the everyday trials of life. TP/TR-Furthermore, Atticus is wise in every decision that he makes. A1- One day as Jem and Scout are walking home from town, Mrs. Dubose, (an older lady who lives a few doors down) was sitting on her porch and talking to the children as they walked by. A2- Mrs.Dubose can be very harsh, which is why it is not much of a surprise when she calls Atticus out for defending a black man in court. A3- Jem has had enough of all of the taunting from Mrs.Dubose though because when she makes this comment, Jem takes Scout's baton that she had just bought and ruins all Mrs.Dubose's camellia bushes by cutting off the tops. A4-Atticus says, “...but to do something like this to a sick old lady is inexcusable”, after finding out the reason Jem did it was because Mrs.Dubose called out Atticus for Tom Robinson’s case(104). A5-This shows how wise Atticus is because even though he understood why Jem had done such a terrible action, he also knew that Mrs.Dubose was sick and ill without much of a filter on her mouth. B1/TR/R-Once again, Atticus shows his intelligence when he understands the ignorance of some people in Maycomb. B2-Whenever Scout asks Atticus why people call him such terrible names, Atticus tells her, “nigger love is just one of those terms that don’t mean anything--like snot-nose. It’s hard to explain--ignorant, trashy people use it when they think somebody’s favoring

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