How Does Atticus Change Society

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Throughout history, society’s expectations have largely impacted people’s opinions and behavior because of constant environmental pressures. The impacts shown throughout movies, books, and history amplify society’s effects on a person’s moral value and beliefs and are created based on set standards. Although many people fall under societal pressures and neglect to stand up for what is right, there are some who try to change society for the good, even if they are standing alone. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch is presented as a moral compass for Maycomb citizens and he bravely works against stereotypes and injustices while facing insults and being publicly shamed. Despite becoming a public target for not following social rules, Atticus …show more content…
Atticus represents a protective shield between society and those that are defenseless because he abides by this belief by standing up for what is right, even though he is alone, and he gives the Negro citizens hope for equality. His accepting and fair attitude also contributes to his confidence and perseverance to continue to defend Tom Robinson. When Scout tells Atticus she doesn’t want to go to school because of Miss Caroline’s behavior, he tells Scout that to truly understand a person, you have to step in their shoes and put yourself in their position. (30) This virtue of acceptance and working to understand others allows Atticus to be patient and calm when dealing with people and guides him to do the right thing when taking action to deal with the social injustices. Atticus follows this principle to understand people, such as Boo Radley and Mrs. Dubose, and avoid being prejudiced towards them like most Maycomb citizens; he …show more content…
Atticus perseveres through his problems and acts upon his role in society, to do what is right. He explains to Scout that “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win…” (76) Atticus is a remarkable man because he defends Tom Robinson in the case even though he knows that in society at the time, when it’s a black man’s word against a white man’s, the white man always wins. He represents a light in a time of darkness because even when most people neglect to defend what is morally correct, he fights for the Negro citizens and tolerates the insults and shame he continually faces. When Scout talks about a book that Atticus read to her, she tells him about a misunderstood character who “was real nice” and didn’t do anything wrong even if people thought he did and Atticus tell her that “Most people are…when you finally see them.” (281) Atticus refers to Boo Radley because while he knew about Boo and respected him staying in the house all the time, most people assumed the worst and let their ignorance interfere with the truth. Atticus is knowledgeable about people and avoids being prejudiced because his experiences have taught him not to presume things and he provides this wisdom to his children to follow, instead of following society’s ignorance. When Jem and Scout found out

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