Technology Dependence

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Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Organization Pattern: Template
Presentation Title: Too Much Technology
Topic: Technology Dependence
Purpose: To persuade students to be aware of the side effects of using too much technology.
Thesis statement: In the world today we are surrounded by technology, whether it be a computer at home, a cell phone, or even a just a television. As the amount of technology increases, so does the amount of time spent by the average American. We currently spend a large amount of time on these different devices causing our socialization and activity levels to drop with the only clear solution being to put down our technology or get off the couch and change the habits that the world has helped us to create.
I. Attention/Introduction:
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Establish Credibility: Since the introduction of the first smartphone in 2007 the popularity of carrying daily and the reliance of them has grown drastically (Apple’s). I myself have carried a cell phone since the age of 14 and since then I have noticed the effect it has on people and how conversations in person seem to happen less sometimes due to the dependence on cell phones (Donovan).
D. Preview statement: In order to inform the audience more about the dependency on technology, we will be performing a series of skits to portray scenes that many people have experienced before, but never realized how it is truly making people lazy. As we set up for the next skit, watch this short video from It Came From the Web, on what our lives would be like without technology (Funny).
Transition into Body of Presentation: During the second skit, the grandpa will be trying to get into the house, while the kids and parents are watching television and their phones. When the grandpa knocks on the door, the teenager will text their mom to get the door, then the mom will text the child, followed by the child texting the dad. When the dad receives the text, he will quickly go to the door and greet the grandpa inside their house. This skit will showcase how the family members are too lazy to put down their devices.
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Explanation- The solution to reducing individuals dependence on technology comes from changing the following simple daily habits, such as instead of watching TV and playing video games, families can be active outside. They can take part in gardening, exercising, or even walking your dog. Another habit change would be leaving your phone in another room when one is going to bed, because having your phone right beside your bed can interfere with your sleep. Also, turning your TV off will help you have a better sleep schedule. By changing these simple habits, one will be able increase their interactions with friends and

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