In Fahrenheit 451, society spends so much time using technology, that they rarely spend time talking with each other. The government forced this on the people, since they didn’t want them to just sit and talk about things and create their own opinions: “They didn’t want people sitting like that, doing nothing, rocking, talking; that was the wrong kind of social life.” (Bradbury 63). Instead of talking to each other, most of the time the citizens are using technology, whether it be a TV wall or a Seashell radio. When they do talk, it is usually about TV shows, or other technology that they have used. They also will talk about when they will get the next biggest upgrade to their current technology that they have. At times, they will even be together, in the same room, but using their technology so it is like they are alone: “When they stepped out of the car, she had the Seashells stuffed in her ears.” (Bradbury 46). It is as if the citizens are in their own little world, especially when they have the Seashells in their ears, as they can’t hear what is going on around them. Being in their own world makes people anti-social by limiting their relationships with the people around …show more content…
The citizens aren’t really allowed to go out and walk around like so many people do today, they are labeled as “anti-social” if they are caught doing this activity. They will also possibly sent to a mental institution because of this. “I’m anti-social they say. Social to me means talking about things like this.” (Bradbury 29). Clarisse is acting just like any kid acts nowadays, talking with her friends, but she is deemed “anti-social” which is the opposite of what we think today. Also, just for walking down the street, a person might get pulled over or arrested by the cops. This is questionable behavior in that society, and is frowned upon. It was even rare to see someone walking down the street, as this would mean they will more than likely end up getting sent to an asylum as well. A simple task such as going on a walk, would place a person in the realm of being anti-social, which is a bizarre difference from today, when we are encouraged to go outside and exercise. In the technology driven world, the citizens can’t think for themselves at times because they are so overwhelmed. “The train radio vomited upon Montag, in retaliation, a great ton-load of music made of tin, copper, silver, chromium, and brass. The people were pounded into submission.” (Bradbury 79). A person’s own thoughts and opinions were not wanted by the government, to help protect themselves, so they were forced into