Analysis Of Attention Deficit By Richard Restak And Alexandra Samuel

Improved Essays
Richard Restak and Alexandra Samuel analyze the aspect of technology in our lives. Restak disputes in his article “Attention Deficit” that the stress to quickly process information and promptly alter our attention from one activity to another is resulting in “a devaluation of the depth and views technology as a mechanism of addressing the challenges of modern life, and offers strategies for using technology to achieve a more apprehensive and a carried out existence. Restak mainly views technology as purely negative, while Samuel addresses the optimistic outlook as far as the benefits to society. Technology isn’t the issue, it’s how we use the technology that is given to us.
Technology does change us. It truly depends on how we use it, it can
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Technology magnifies our power of becoming better as a whole. It is how we exercise this power which determines the true answer if technology is changing our relationship to the people and places around us. Labor and rest have to coexist together for an accurate result. Samuel expresses how technology is for the better and how we must adapt to the ever changing ways that technology is presenting. “We plug in because this new online world offers extraordinary opportunities for creation, discovery, and connection. We plug in because we don't actually want to escape the online world: We want to help create it.” Technology is an approach that will never end. New gadgets will be released and then refined just about endlessly. Even when resources start to become scarce, technology will never disappear because of previously saved elements. Now that we have revolved our lives surrounding new technology, we must practice the way we operate it. With the availability of computers, and smartphones it is easy to access information to enhance our functionality. Rather than using your phone to play ineffective games that will leave you in an idle state, use the phone …show more content…
At this point technology equals advancement, prosperity, and the answer to the future. The compelling and broad technology makes us feel as if we have a sense of opportunity when connecting to fellow human being one on one versus reaching masses of people with the click of a button. My uncle who is guiding me through my business degree venture constantly told me if I ever needed help with anything to always contact him. Living 4,785 miles away from home in Geneva, Switzerland technology and social media has made it very easy to get in touch with him whenever I am troubled with my school work, making me feel more connected than ever. Communication is a very critical element in today’s society due to the exchange of information, people living both locally and globally can now maintain the sense of connection and interaction between one another from all corners of the world as a result of technology. Communication binds individuals, making society healthy and enables people to befriend others from different whereabouts. The presence of computers, phones, internet, and wireless devices have broadened the web of connectivity by changing long distances to short distance ones where everyone can be equidistant. Leaving without technology will be totally impossible as this has become every day’s application as more and more people are gaining knowledge on how to make use of the communication tools to improve their ways of

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