Informative Speech On Stress

Improved Essays
Stress. Stress creeps into all parts of our lives when we let it. We can even be stressed when we're happy. But when we're sad, stress seems magnified like our lives are moving in slides on the big screen.

And stress will kick us when we're down. If we're sad, depressed, anxious, angry, or worried, it seems ten times more difficult to get past the stressful events in our lives. Little things can blow up and seemingly take on a life of their own. They take on our lives and even try to take them over. And the big things? Well, we might as well just give up. Right?

Maybe for a moment. We are human after all. But after you allow yourself a five minute mini-meltdown, it's time to refocus and take back some control. There are very few things in
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You have to be actively involved in your own life. Many people spend a lot of time active in other people's lives and happiness... but what about your life and your happiness? Who's helping you? Shouldn't you put on your own oxygen mask before you help someone else with theirs?

I'm not saying you shouldn't help others, but when you're happy and healthy, you will be stronger and more able to make a difference in someone else's life. Life is hard and you need to be prepared and strong enough to handle those tough blows when they come, and you need to have the strength it takes to be there for others when they need it.

So what can you do?

Stress management comes in many forms. Each individual's stress management strategies should be as unique as the individuals themselves. This is where it helps to know yourself well and allow yourself to fulfill your own joys in
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Being active and having fun can be just as effective as relaxing in a hot bath. The second is to keep an open mind, use your imagination and take the time to unwind in a way that only you can choose. There is no right way to relax and relieve stress. However, and this is the final ingredient, there is a wrong way to relieve stress. Be sure to avoid alcohol, caffeine, and other unhealthy stimulants or depressants. These things can increase your nervous energy and make it much more difficult for you to recover from stress, depression, anxiety,

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