Social Media Persuasive Speech Outline

Decent Essays
A) Attention Getting Device: Accourding to the Huffigtion Post, “...Twitter fuels younger adults ' narcissistic tendencies by acting as a megaphone for their thoughts, while Facebook fuels middle aged adults ' narcissistic tendencies by serving as a mirror where they can curate images of themselves”. B) Thesis Sentence: Today, I am going to talk about how social media play a great deal with making people in our society very narastic.

C) Preview of Main Points
I) Website like Instragram, facebook, and twitter has added self- promotion for college students.
II) The amount of friends, someone has on social media affects a person feeling better about themselves. III) Adults use social media different ways than students do.
D) Statement of
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According to psychologist, W. Keith Campbell:
(We use social media) “To look important, look special and to gain attention and status and self-esteem."
2. We see that other people are having fun and we want to have fun as well. SO we post pictures of ourself having fun to show the world that we are also are having fun. Rhetorical question: With people posting about themselves, doesn’t it make it easier for them to be into themselves?
B) Posting on social media and seeing everyone happy expernice can make people upset.
1) Stanford professor ,Alex Jordan speaks about social experience that social media put in place for people.
“…80 Facebook uses, focusing on the number of positive and negative experience their peers were experiencing. He found they consistently over-estimated the fun their friends were having and underestimated their negative or unhappy experiences”.
2) This shows that posting happy things about yourself will make people have negative thoughts. This shows that social media plays a big role in self esteem and affect how people.

C) The amount of friends that we are posting too shows our narcissism.

II. Second Main Point: Narcissim also stems from amount of friends that we have social
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III. Adults on social media are also narastic too as the college age students.
A) More and more adults are using social media.
1) According to Tiffany A. Somerville, 74% of adults use social media.
2) This proves that many adults are starting to use more social media to update people about their life.
B) Adult use social media in diferent ways than students do.
1) According to Unviersty of Minosta Study, adults use social media “…control others ' perceptions of them”
2) Adults use social media to bost about their life to people in their hometown and high school. They post picture of their babies and their life.
C) Social media is very naratictic part that everyone use in their life too.

A) I hope you now understand how social media plays a role in how our society is very narastictic. B) Review of Main Points I) Social media is good way for people to promte what they are doing at all time II) Adding more and more friends on social media can lead to naracism. III) Social Media plays a big deal in adult’s life.
C) Apostrophe: Social Media! You control our

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