Many teens feel as though, as previously stated, their worth lies in the amount of likes or comments they get on a picture, or how many followers they have. They believe if they don’t look the same way others do in pictures then they are less than. Their social media becomes how they view themselves instead of them seeing the reality of who they are on the phone. This is “toxic” because this will lead them to believe they are below others, or that they are only as important as their media accounts make them out to
Many teens feel as though, as previously stated, their worth lies in the amount of likes or comments they get on a picture, or how many followers they have. They believe if they don’t look the same way others do in pictures then they are less than. Their social media becomes how they view themselves instead of them seeing the reality of who they are on the phone. This is “toxic” because this will lead them to believe they are below others, or that they are only as important as their media accounts make them out to