However, the goal of religion is connecting to stories bigger than oneself, and there is variety of ways of that of doing.Through thousands of years of religious practices have brainwashed people to devote one’s life to religion which doesn’t focus on the ekstasis but the mere rituals. Similarly, people who bluntly believe in religion, one of the tools of ekstasis, make even more rules and limit the people’s choice of ekstasis. Nafisi asserts, “after the period of relative calm and so-called liberalization, we had entered hardships. Universities had once more become the targets of attack by the cultural purists who were busy imposing stricter sets of laws, going so far as to segregate men and women in classes and punishing disobedient professors” (Nafisi 283). Nafisi’s country is being purged to seek stasis through religion. However, individuals are different from each other, and some need different methods to find ekstasis. Extreme religious people don’t understand that the actual meaning of religion is to understand or connect with stories larger than individuals. The numerous laws within the religion are forcing people to find new methods of seeking …show more content…
Extreme religious people, clouded with judgment, misunderstood the true meaning of religion.
The religion is a mere tool of connecting oneself to stories bigger than individuals, and there are variety of ways of finding connection.
The rules are one of the most important aspects of society because enables large society to exist without creating complete chaos. Also, rules help individuals to connect with satires bigger than oneself such as religion, art, and literature but for a different reason; it's limited individuality. The rules make people’s lives terrible and limit individuality, but at the same time provides an environment for people to seek ekstasis. Human beings are not the same because everyone is from a different background and had different experiences. It is clear that through thousands of history rules have shaped the culture of the society. The rappers are sings about how one should break the rules and art with “rebellious colors” are result of rules. The rules limited human race but at the same time encouraged to challenge the best of ourselves. Therefore, rules helped individuals connect to stories bigger than individuals because people want to escape