Abortion Viewpoints

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Abortion is the process one undergoes to intentionally prematurely end a pregnancy; it has become one of the most controversial and most commonly debated topics in this country. The issue is controversial because it is based on the question of whether or not we have control over the life of an innocent unborn child. The nation is divided on the subject of abortion; it has become one of the highlight issues of today’s modern politics. The peoples’ varying perspectives are driven by their moral values, which has made for a biased, non-bi partisan and emotionally driven debate.
There are two primary kinds of abortion, they are In-Clinic and by way of an abortion pill. The abortion pill, which is not to be confused with birth control, is typically taken before 9 weeks of pregnancy. The abortion pill costs anywhere from $300 to $800. The two methods of In-Clinic abortion are “aspiration” or “Dilation and Evacuation (also known as D&E)”; these procedures take place after 12 weeks of pregnancy. The aspiration method is performed by removing all the contents of the uterus via “the gentle suction of a manual syringe or with a machine operated suction. The Dilation and Evacuation method is performed by first inserting a device called a “cervical (osmotic) dilator” 24 hours prior to the procedure, the device opens up the cervix and after 24 hours, the abortionist surgically removes the contents of the uterus”. There are two major sides to the argument over abortion, each with different people from various racial, economic and religious backgrounds.
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One side is known as “Pro-Life”, the other is known as “Pro-Choice”. “Pro-Life” supporters are typically conservatives who believe that abortion is wrong and should be illegal, some within the group even go as far as calling abortion the “murder of an innocent unborn child”. “Pro-Choice” supporters are typically liberals who argue that a pregnant individual has the right to choose abortion. They believe that it is the body, believe that abortion is not murder and cannot be illegal because they believe that a fetus is “not yet a fully developed living human being therefore it has no rights”. The final decision of the legality of abortion in the future will rely heavily on the legislative branch in which the Supreme Court serves as head. In modern day abortion laws according to federal law, abortion is legal because of the first Supreme Court ruling that “legalized abortion” in the 1973 “Roe V. Wade” case. In “Roe V. Wade” there was an unmarried woman by the name of Jane Roe who wanted to legally terminate her child. Before the case all of the states had the ability to determine the legality of abortion. In Texas a law, which outlawed abortion unless the pregnant individual’s health was at risk, was passed. Roe filed a suit against this law and the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Roe, the court stated, “the outlaw of abortion is unconstitutional and an individual seeking to have an abortion is protected under the Equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment”. Any action that will take place whether or not a woman should be allowed to decide to not conceive her child freely and without persecution will not come swiftly, it will take many years of heated debate. …show more content…
The topic of abortion is an extremely delicate one that is not to be taken lightly by any means. This debate is so delicate that it is possible that there may never be a mutual agreement reached between supporters of “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice” alike. If an agreement is to be reached it is imperative that we answer several tedious questions like “At what point of conception is the unborn child living and at what point does it have basic human rights?” for example. Questions like this contain no easy answer and they will not be easily answered. In order to do so the only way is to balance the line between moral perspectives and actual fact, in other words emotional or personal convictions must be left out of debate. Without emotional or personal convictions there will be no biases, with no biases comes bi-partisanship, with bi-partisanship comes most likely not an overall solution, but at the very least some manner of compromise. Personally I believe that abortion should be illegal, except for in some cases such as those with circumstances involving rape or if the pregnant individuals health is in jeopardy. Though I am very much a liberal, when it

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