Military families often times experience different types and multiple stressors and trauma throughout their lifetimes. At times these different situations and stressors can be positive or negative (Lester & Flake, 2013). However, either with either type of stressors families can show both strengthens and weaknesses. These different transitions can be positive and can allow for opportunities for youth to grow and experience adventures that they might not have had the opportunity to experience if they were not a member of a military family. These transitions can also be disruptive towards the family or individuals due to changing schedules and locations. Military families and children navigate through different types of transitions and changes, such as frequent moves, job reassignments, changing communities and friends, new schools with different classes and possibly different learning styles, and at times moving to different states or even different countries. Another stressors and trauma is war that these families can face. Within these times families can experience times of separation, either in combat situations or non-combat …show more content…
It can be said that almost fifty percent of Americans will suffer traumatic incidents in their lifetime. The likelihood that these individuals will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Ozer, Best, Lipsey, & Weiss, 2003); (Berger & Lahad, 2010). Nature therapy is used in order to help reconnect individuals to nature again, since we have moved away from nature as technology has developed (Berger & Lahad, 2010). A Safe Place is a program developed for psycho-education to help developing resiliency and coping within kindergarten. The program is created to join Nature Therapy with the BASIC PH model (Berger & Lahad, 2010). The BASIC PH model states there are six channels that institutes resiliency, such as beliefs, affects, social functioning, imagination, cognition, and physiology. Each individual and complex combination of channels help individuals cope more effectively towards different stressors, situations, and events (Berger & Lahad, 2010). Berger and Lahad (2010) use the program that was examined within the study focused toward children in kindergarten. Berger and Lahad (2010) want to give different techniques and understanding towards teachers working with children, especially with children living within the military lifestyle. Teachers are significant pieces of the puzzle towards