The purpose for coming together for Christmas is much more than just opening presents, and bringing the family together, it is also about celebrating the birth of Jesus. Although, bringing the family together during Christmas is important to my family. My grandmother and aunt normally makes phone calls a week, or two before Christmas to let everyone know what the plans are. As a family, we split up the duties; some people make desserts, others make the meats, and the side dishes. My family never …show more content…
There is not too much that I would say we need to change about the holiday besides, the amount of food that is cooked, and the activities for the children. For Christmas, we have way too much food, and it does not be anywhere to put it after everyone has eaten. The fact that there is hardly anywhere to put the food, we have to get people to take out plates, or sometimes we may throw the food out. Then, when it comes to the children, they hardly have anything to do after they eat. I feel like there should be some types of games that are provided for them to play. It is important for them to feel more engaged; for example, it should be someone who is in charge of outside games with the children. Then it should be board games inside the house for the children to play with, so they will not bother the adults by nagging them. Making a change to the way my family deals with Christmas, could be a benefit to the everyone, not just the