Immokalee Vaccination Case Study

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Immokalee farmworkers face many hardships in their field of work. Immokalee is an unincorporated region of Collier County, Florida and it is primarily full of agricultural needs. Population in this area consists of 76.6 % of Hispanics and Latinos ("United States Census Bureau," 2015). However, many times farmworkers face physical abuse, discrimination, non-fatal and high fatal injuries on the job, as well as violation of wages. Low salaries lead to unsafe structural housing. Other health disparities within this population are language barriers, availability to transportation and due to low poverty levels in this region, access to healthcare has become a big issue. Many of the local farmworkers are illegal immigrants, therefore, there is limited to no insurance coverage, which in turn, leads to having issues with medication compliance and the farmworkers not being mindful of what federal rights they have or what healthcare services they may be entitled to regardless of their immigration status. Community and public health nurses aid in identifying what areas need to be looked at and identify which resources are available to the migrant farmworker within a specific population. “Important characteristics of public health are preventing disease and maintaining health” (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson, 2013, p. 7). The number one priority found within this investigation is lack of healthcare access due to language barriers. Patients who understand, in their language, the accessibility to healthcare and what programs are available have a better change of following up with treatment, care, and medication compliance. This is not only a local issue that Immokalee farmworkers face, in fact, this is happening in other states as well. In California, a study found that providers could not understand the farmworkers’ health concerns due to the language barrier, therefore it was highly likely that the individual will not follow-up with their care nor did they comprehend what services were available to them (Hoerster, Beddawi, Peddecord, & Ayala, 2010). The seriousness of this problem may lead to a decline in health condition, disabilities, as well as shortened life expectancy. Lack of access due to language barriers may become worse over time. Public health nurses must assess the needs of this population and implement interventions that will help this particular farmworker population lessen the struggle of finding healthcare and following up with a physician. By helping the patient understand in their primary language the primary level of prevention such as “providing immunizations and reducing exposure to occupational hazards, carcinogens, and other environmental health risks,” (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson, 2013, p. 7) it can reduce the changes of early signs of a grave illness, diseases or even death. A plan that needs to be created within this population is providing mobile health care clinics with qualified staff that speak their language. …show more content…
Because many Immokalee farmworkers do not have a car and lack the money for transportation, many do not feel like walking long distances in order to see a physician or follow up with their care. Therefore, a mobile clinic that will visit the Immokalee area on certain days would be of great benefit in order to provide vaccinations, perform basic lab testing, provide health counseling and raising awareness in regards to nutrition and care when working long hours out on the fields in a language they will understand. Mobile health clinics have been in effect in other countries such as India and have reported success. “Mobile health clinics in urban areas play a vital role in providing health care services, particularly to the marginalized sections of society, for whom they are often the only source of health care” (Jamir, Nongkynrih, & Gupta, 2013, p. 133). If we provide this kind of service which can be feasible with the right resources from government and county healthcare agencies, we can provide satisfactory healthcare to the migrant farmworker population of Immokalee in a language they will understand. Fees for these services, if any apply, can be free to low cost taking under consideration how much their yearly wages are. There are programs such as the Migrant Clinicians Network that help to advocate for migrant workers in order to improve their health and care through providing resources, reducing disparities, continuity of care, raising awareness and health promotion for the migrant population (Garcia, Hopewell, Liebman, & Mountain, 2012). After planning and implementing mobile

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