Immigration Satire

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America is known to be the best country in the world,but is that really true or is this just an opinion. Some might say this is fact,but many are willing to oppose. The America is a land of opportunity and it really shows compared to all the countries that have a lot corruption and very little freedom. Questioning our government is a huge thing that is going on and how our government is wrong, so is our America really a country of opportunity or is it disguised as one? If our country seems to be so great then why are there people like Edward Snowden coming out and saying that our country has problems? I really think we should question our government and our opinions should matter, so that’s why I am here to explain what need to be done with …show more content…
This nation was built upon immigrants whether was English,French, and Spanish during the early days of America or the late 1800’s when many immigrants came to Ellis Island. Of course today immigration is looked upon differently due to the fact many of them are illegal. Many minimum wage jobs or jobs that most people don't want to work have been taken by many of these immigrants mostly from Mexico. A strong suggestion for the the American government is to help our neighboring country and make sure their economy can get back their feet. Many citizens feel like these illegal immigrants should not have the jobs that our rightfully belonging to the citizens of the U.S.If you really think about it,how many of us really want to work physical labor job or jobs that most people don't want to work? If the U.S citizens complain how the illegal immigrants take jobs that belong to the U.S,the government needs to step up and help rebuild the country of Mexico.If we really think about it,how many Mexican people have gone back to Mexico after crossing the border.The numbers are very slim due to the fact that Mexico's a very poor country and living there is very harsh. In my own opinion the government should step and help Mexico and help pick Mexico off it's feet into a new direction. In an article By Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova called “Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States” states that there were 41.3 million immigrants in America in 2013 and the numbers have probably shot up drastically since then. Just from that amount shows how many immigrants come to america and that's a substantial amount. Also from the article it states 19 million or 46% of those immigrants were of Hispanic origins and the shot in immigration happened after the year 2000. These statistics show that the countries

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