Illegal Immigration Crime Analysis

Superior Essays
On the other hand, no one wants to consider large masses of people who broke the law to gain entry to a country. The increase in illegal immigration provides for the U.S. criminal justice system. The most obvious form of crime that illegal immigrants bring to the U.S. is often the most overlooked: the immigration itself. It is a crime that is committed by millions of immigrants yearly. By staying in America, they are spending each second inside the U.S. borders doing an illegal act. If we grant illegal immigrants amnesty, then our country will be sending a message that if enough people enter illegally, they will be pardoned. Not only would this amnesty send the federal fiscal deficit from the current amount of $10 billion to $29 billion, but …show more content…
They have more children than most native households, but since they have less education, have lower incomes. Because of this, many immigrants turn to the welfare system for support. “By using welfare programs immigrants may strain public resources, harming taxpayers and making it more difficult to assist the low-income population already in the country. The significantly higher welfare use creates a burden on public coffers, exacerbating the nation's fiscal deficit. Welfare programs comprise a significant share of federal and even state expenditures” (Camarota, 2015). With the exception of Medicaid, the welfare programs examined in this report are paid for almost entirely by the federal government. Even in the case of Medicaid, 58% of its costs were born by Washington D.C. About 88% of tax revenue paid to the federal government comes from income taxes and payroll taxes. Social Security is a positive idea in theory; however, it was not created to aid poor people who are citizens of other countries. If this plan to allow illegal immigrants have access to Social Security is successful, it is estimated to cost $345 billion to the American taxpayer over the next two decades. As for Medicaid, the estimated cost of providing the coverage to 3.1 million illegal immigrants would be $8.1 billion annually. Because they receive welfare, illegal immigrants pay little or no income tax. Their households had a tax liability in income and payroll taxes that was about 11% less than native households, based on Census Bureau data. As a result, immigrant households have lower average incomes than native households from all

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