The American dream can defined as the idea that all American citizens have a chance for great success and happiness in life. To many, America is viewed as a place where opportunity is around every corner. Not every country offers the same freedoms as the United States, so immigrants travel from their country to another in hopes of obtaining a better life for not only them, but their families as well. Not every person that comes over is legal, however. Issues with this may arise, but with the help of the federal government the problems can be solved. The illegal immigrants in the United States should be provided a pathway into citizenship, which could bring cultural diversity, allow families to stay together, and have economic benefits.
Immigrants staying in the United States come from all over the world with different backgrounds. When coming over they bring their language, traditions, and beliefs. Although all immigrants share a history of leaving their own homeland, the reasons for leaving are very diverse (Alfred, 2001). One example is Jose Vargas (2012), a journalist who publicly shared that he was an undocumented immigrant in the article “Not Legal, Not Leaving” …show more content…
Due to lack of legal status, those who are undocumented are constantly looking for an opening to do or get things (Vargas, 2012). With Vargas living everyday life as an illegal immigrant, he knows firsthand the lengths it will take for simple activities that citizens have the privilege of. Many states will refuse a person a license without proof of residency or citizenship, which makes traveling the roads difficult as well as air travel (2012). Since obtaining a license without being a citizen is illegal in some places, many people may step around this law for the purpose of it being