I thought I would share my experience and feelings of growing up with an IEP. I didn't realize all though school I had an IEP, instead I was told I was in the special education program for reading. I never did find out exactly why, but from my earliest memories of school I went to a special class for reading.
Everyday in elementary school I was pulled from my normal class to go into a special instruction classroom for reading. Everyone in my classes saw me leave daily, it wasn't long before my classmates were asking me why I left during reading. Needless to say I was embarrassed so I would lie and say I was in the gifted program or some other excuse for having to leave. However, it wasn't long until kids figured me out and I was called many names for needing extra assistance.
I remember thinking everyday how awful …show more content…
I spent all on my childhood believing I was less than everyone else because I needed that help. Yes, I did need the extra help but even now if I could have choose to use the extra assistance the way it was offered I would still declined. Being told I was below everyone else (even if just a reading issue) affected all of me. What started as a reading issue turned into an identity issue, that lasted far past high school. For example, after high school I went straight into junior college. During the first class I was taking (Into to business), The professor had the class reading aloud. Thankfully, the class ended before it was my turn however, I never went back to school after that day. I was so scared I was willing to give up my future. It wasn't until online college was I able to find the will to go to college. I knew I would never have to read aloud and I could study on my time in a way that works best for