FAPE And FE? How Do These Concepts Relate To The Iep?

Superior Essays
What is FAPE and LRE? How do these concepts relate to the IEP?

FAPE stands for a free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities as stated by the federal government. Children with disabilities who are found eligible for additional educational services must be provided with special instruction, support, and services at no extra cost to the parents. These services should meet the needs of the student and help them further their academic career. These services should also help students prepare for further education, employment, and independent living. LRE stands for the least restrictive environment. This means that students found with a disability and who are expected to receive unique instructions and services should also
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These individuals may include others who know the child very well and know their best interests. Others may include individuals who are experts in certain areas and can offer input that is significant to the overall team. These experts may include an expert in reading or an expert in behavior. Experts can be invited by the parents or through the district. Therapist may also be included especially if they have been working with the student. Family friends and caregivers can also participate in the team if they are invited to do so. A team member may be excused for a meeting and can submit their opinions and findings in writing if they cannot attend the meeting. Also team members who are qualified to take on more than one role are able to do …show more content…
The overall mission of the IEP is to provide an plan that meets the unique needs of a child with a disability that allows them to reach goals and make progress in their academic career, and be able to be educated and participate with their non-disabled peers. One of the first steps in creating an IEP is to review eligibility for special educational services. There are 14 categories listed by the federal government and through data collected and assessment of the student the team must figure out which category the child is eligible for. They must list what is primary and list the other categories that the student fits into. Then they must develop the student profile which includes the strengths of the student, results from assessments, and evaluations. The student profile may also include progress made by the student on current IEP goals. The profile will also include the concerns of the parent and their goals for their child. For children who are 14 and older transitions should be included. Transitions such as the transition to adulthood should be mentioned in the student profile. If the child is 16 or older goals may be included involving postsecondary education goals. These may include going to college, seeking employment, or independent

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