Judith Bessant (2008) discussed developing brain chemistry when she stated, “This research indicates that, contrary to what we previously thought, our brains do not finish developing at an early age; rather, growth continues until our early to mid-twenties. Moreover, this development takes place in the frontal lobe cortex of all young people.” (p. 350). Giedd et al (as cited in Bessant, 2008), emphasized that, “frontal lobes help people do ‘the right thing’ and are one of the last areas of the brain to reach a stable ‘grown-up’ state. This it is said tells us why young people are irresponsible and are unreasonable,” (p. 350). The actual size of this populations’ brains, and process in development of the frontal lobes, can have a huge impact on self-concept and identity development. They may make decisions, without the ability to rationalize outcomes, that can have a profound effect on the way others see them, thus ultimately shaping their own …show more content…
Utilizing a structural approach, a counselor can observe various levels of interaction within the family dynamic. Melito (1988) stated that, “From this perspective, a full understanding of individual and family requires analysis of each level or context within which the individual operates—intrapsychic, interpersonal, and transactional—and of the interrelationships of these levels,” (p. 350). By incorporating this theoretical method with the entire family, a counselor can address multiple areas of concern in regard to the development of the child’s self-concept and identity. Family education can also be promoted to increase developmental