How Does Melinda's Mirrors Reflect Identity?

Superior Essays
Picture this: A young girl stands in front of her mirror, practicing applying her bubblegum pink lipstick and thick black mascara. In a different home, a boy stands in front of his mirror practicing his poses and monitoring his muscle growth. The mirror quietly reflects each of their appearances as they try to determine who they are and who they hope to become.
Identity can be best described as a sense of self. It is not unusual for adolescents to begin questioning their identity as they try to navigate the halls of middle school and high school. Mirrors play a large role in adolescent self-discovery because they reflect identity and place a large emphasis on physical appearance. Adolescents are typically narcissistic by nature so any
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She fixes up the room, which is an improvement in her morale because she actually shows an interest in something and takes care of it, which is a big moment because, up until this point, Melinda could barely take care of herself. Fixing up the janitor’s closet also contrasts with her bedroom at home, which Melinda has not updated since the fifth grade. As she decides what to do with the room, Melinda explains, “The first thing to go is the mirror. It is screwed to the wall, so I cover it with a poster of Maya Angelou that the librarian gave me. She said Ms. Angelou is one of the greatest American writers. The poster was coming down because the school board banned one of her books. She must be a great writer if the school board is afraid of her” (Anderson 49). Still unable to face herself in the mirror and, therefore, face her traumatic event, Melinda prefers to look at the poster of Maya Angelou. Both Angelou and Melinda lost their identity and voices due to sexual assault. While the poster over the mirror shows Melinda is still recovering from her attack because it hides her reflection and emotions, it also provides Melinda with a sense of optimism. Angelou, who went on to become an internationally recognized poet, novelist, and activist, found her identity and voice after her rape and used it to inform the world about many issues including sexual assault. Melinda looks at her poster and, even though it may be subconsciously, she sees a role model with a voice, someone she can strive to be one

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