The Theme Of Identity In Fantastic Mr. Fox By Wes Anderson

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Identity is defined as knowing who someone is and the qualities that makes a person different. Understanding and accepting ones’ identity is an issue many individuals have difficulty with. To this day, individuals will attempt to fulfill certain roles while suppressing their personal needs and wants. Coming to terms with one’s identity is a strenuous and satisfying process. The theme of identity can be found in many films and narratives. In Wes Andersons Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009), Anderson explores conflicting identities in a family setting. Anderson uses quirky dialogue and unique visuals to help the audience identify which characters are struggling with their identity. Wesley Wales “Wes” Anderson is an American director, screen writer, actor, …show more content…
In her article, “Fantastic Mr. Fox: Wes Anderson 's Return to Form”, she reviews and summarizes the film Fantastic Mr. Fox. Pols also compares Andersons Mr. Fox and family to the Mr. fox and family presented by Roald Dahl. Pol summarizes Fantastic Mr. Fox as “a delightful amusement and a distillation of the filmmaker 's essential playfulness” (Pols). She praises Anderson for successfully combining Roald Dahl 's children 's story with “Andersonian pouting, parental issues, self-doubt and philosophical conundrums.” (Pols). In the article, Pol describes Andersons Mr. Fox as more clever and cocky than the Mr. Fox in the children’s story, his family is presented in a different way as well. In the story, Mr. Fox and Felicity have four children and she is completely supportive to her husband. In the film, Mr. Fox and Felicity only has one child, Ash, and she does not approve of his ways. She describes Ash as a “petulant, undersized, uncoordinated and insecure”, everything his father is not. (Pols). In the article, Pols comments on the humor in the film as well. She likes how the Fox family behave and talk like civilized individual until they eat. Whenever the Fox family begin to eat without any self-control. She also enjoys how Kylie is a faithful companion, but is also not the …show more content…
In the film, the main character battles with who he is and who others want him to be. Before the birth of his son, Mr. Fox was a wild and free animal. He changed who he was to satisfy the needs of his wife and family. He stopped stealing, got a new job, and became the responsible adult his wife wanted him to be. Years later, Mr. Fox began to yearn for a bit of excitement in his life. As the story progresses, the audience sees the trouble Mr. Fox causes and how it affects his family and the entire community. Felicity, his wife, actually tells Mr. Fox “I love you, but I should have never married you.” (Fantastic Mr. Fox). When his wife asked why he continued to steal he said “I think I have this thing where everybody has to think I 'm the greatest, the quote unquote 'Fantastic Mr. Fox ', and if they aren 't completely knocked out and dazzled and slightly intimidated by me, I don 't feel good about myself.” (Fantastic Mr. Fox). After his son is almost kidnapped, Mr. Fox comers to term with who he is. Ash, Mr. Foxs son, is conflicted with his identity as well. Throughout the story, Ash is described as different, weird, and unathletic. When his cousin, Kristofferson, visits Ash began to feel even more unaccepted. He came to terms with his identity when his father finally took notice of how he

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