Being Yourself Essay: How To Be Yourself

Superior Essays
How to Be Yourself
It is important that you learn to be yourself, because it is an indispensable element to have high self-esteem.
What does it mean "being yourself"?
It is when you accept yourself as you are and you act according to your particular way of being, without complexes, stereotypes or imitations of any kind. You are aware that you are different and you enjoy it, you focus on using your strengths and overcoming weaknesses but also go without unconfiguring your individual essence.
Being yourself is the hallmark or individual identity:
Just as all people have the right to a name and a number of single card, there is also a hallmark of your personality. You have to make an effort to find yourself. You were born in a particular household
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Learning to be yourself is essential to your personal development:
Your way to express yourself and doing things is unique, so by working to refine your innate abilities can get amazing things.
The moment you focus on the goals that will lead you to success, then you already have learned to be yourself, because you have no time to please others, you're focused on what you want and that is authority.
Do not waste time seeking the pleasure in something that you know you do not like:
If you know you do not like something, then do not do, defends the right to live in a way that fits you the best. It is true that you can get good advice, but whenever they are aligned with your aspirations and not what others think.
People have wasted much of their lives trying to please others, but when there is internal imbalance, you can never be happy and a voice of concern will be clamoring for a change.
Never run alone with what you hear - researches,
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This does not mean you stop helping others, but you must help yourself too. If there is a moment to follow your passion and do something you care about, that moment is right now! Famous quotes about the importance of being yourself
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde
“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.” ― Judy Garland
“A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself-and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.” ― Jim Morrison
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” ― Bruce Lee
“Be yourself. Be true to that, to your heart. Patience. See what happens if you step back instead of bounding forward.” ― Nora Roberts
“Best be yourself, imperial, plain, and true.” ― Robert

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