Before it gets good, it gets more boring. Summer had started and it’s been a year since I’ve been to college. Not too long after film school, I felt determined, however, distraction became this black cloud that followed me. It was like an equation distraction plus confusion, somehow became this substitute for fear. I evidently lost touch on the idea of this dream I molded throughout my younger years, …show more content…
I was on the phone with my best friend, and after talking for what seemed like hours about life, I noticed something. We both couldn't seem to answer a simple question. A question my father asked me around this same time years ago, “what do you want?”. It may seem like such a simple question, but a question you relate to for anything in your life. For example “what do you want to eat?”, or “what do you want to see?”. We started to talk about college. I hate college, but love learning. Wait, let me rephrase this, college isn't for me. I know many would say something like this, but it really wasn’t. But I'm not here to tell you what makes me hate college. They say high school years are the years where you find yourself, what you're like socially, and stand educationally. We’re introduced to questions like “ what do you want to do after high school?”, and most people will say college. We graduate content and almost certain and confident that we know who we are. College is a whole different world as though someone had hit restart, and I’m back at the beginning of this essay. You begin to feel more lost than ever, because now you’re a semester in and you've realized your major isn't what you wanted, or this college was the wrong choice. I have felt like this before, out of place. But I wanted better. My best friend had mentioned something about a university in Alabama, Auburn. I decided to do my research and as intriguing as it was online, we both planned …show more content…
I went on road trip only to realize that at this point in our lives, we should have figured out the simple things. We should have accomplished the minor, and have our foot in the door for the major things. I was still figuring out the simple things, and that was