Hypocrisy: What Caused The Civil War?

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What Caused The Civil War? Many doubted Lincoln during the 1860s, however he was abe-le to win the Civil War. From the years 1861 to 1865, a Civil War broke out in America resulting in the death of approximately 620,000 Americans. The American Civil War, which many believed was solely caused by slavery, was a battle between the Union states and the Confederate states. The Confederate states seceded from the United States in order to preserve slavery. Although slavery was a major part of the war, it was not the sole factor. If slavery itself didn’t cause the war then what did? This raises the question, What Caused the Civil War? A civil war is defined as a war fought by people of the same country. The Civil War was caused by slavery, the political disagreement and disorder between states, and America’s economic struggle. The Civil War was caused by the states' different views on slavery. The Union states, or northern states were completely against slavery, while the Confederate states, or southern states, were pro-slavery. …show more content…
Frederick Douglass, a famous African American abolitionist and an escaped slave from Maryland, gave a speech called “The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro” in which he talks about the hypocrisy going on in America. In his speech Douglas said, “your shout of liberty and equality, hollow mockery...all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him...impiety and hypocrisy-a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages.” (Doc. G) Frederick Douglass is saying that the United States talk about liberty, freedom and equality, when there are states in the United States that support slavery. His speech shows the controversy of slavery and the hypocrisy that the United States expresses. Other Americans such as Fitzhugh would have disagreed with Douglass. George Fitzhugh, a sociologist from North Carolina wrote a book called Cannibals All!. In his book Fitzhugh stated, “The Negro slaves of the South are the happiest, and , in some sense, the freest people in the world...The Negro men and stout boys work...in good weather, not more than nine hours day...the free laborer must work or starve. He is more of a slave than the Negro,” (Doc H). Fitzhugh believes that African Americans live better, happier lives as slaves and gives reasons to justify his inhumane actions. While Fitzhugh states that African Americans should be and are happier as slaves, Frederick Douglass, a former slave, stated that slavery is an unjust, cruel crime. Both Douglass and Fitzhugh’s claims show the polar opposite arguments and viewpoints on slavery in America. Slavery played a major role in the cause of the Civil war especially the the Dred Scott Decision of 1857. Dred Scott was a slave whose owner had taken him to a free state. Scott sued for freedom and his case was reviewed by the Supreme Court. In conclusion an act of Congress that prohibited a citizen from owning property, or slaves, was deemed unconstitutional and therefore void. (Doc. L) This was a major factor to the Civil War because it meant that the Missouri Compromise line was unconstitutional and people could own slaves in the north. Controversial topics such as slavery and politics were major factors that lead to the Civil War. The Civil war was caused by the political disagreement and disorder between states in America. When a country is in a time of chaos and confusion, the citizens tend to look up to their political leaders for hope and comfort. However in 1856 even these political leaders were in a feud of chaos and disorder. Harry T. Peters illustrated a feud between Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist from Massachusetts, and South Carolina Senator Andrew Butler. Sumner delivered a long speech called, “The Crime Against Kansas” where he attacked pro-slavery men as well as Senator Andrew Butler. Two days later, one of Butler’s kinsman, Preston Brooks, bursted into the Senate Chambers and beat Sumner with a cane. Sumner’s injuries were very severe, leading hit to retire from Senate for three years. (Doc K) These political disorders caused the Northern and Southern to separate further as they were forced to choose sides. With their political leaders in a riot, they

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