In the novel, Janie Crawford Killicks Starks Woods is an attractive and cheerful young black girl. Janie’s voyage begins at sixteen, when her dying grandmother marries her to Logan Killicks, an older man with sixty acres, a mule, and a bump of fatback on his neck that Janie hates. Rebelling against Logan’s efforts to turn her into a drudge, Janie runs away with Joe Starks, a man with big dreams. Joe marries Janie and takes her to Eatonville, where he soon becomes a mayor and primary landowner. The kind of man with “uh throne in de seat of his pants,” (TEWG 58) as one character puts it, Joe Starks is clearly modeled on Joe Clarke, the mayor of Eatonville during much of Hurston’s childhood there.…
Relationships between characters often give us a peek into the overall message that a book is trying to get across. This is is especially obvious between the parents and children in As I Lay Dying. This dynamic is mirrored through the implicit parental relationship between Janie and Pheoby in Their Eyes Were Watching God. The decaying relationship between Addie and Darl in As I Lay Dying represents the deterioration of the Bundren family as well as the pessimistic nature of the book, while the fulfilling relationship between Janie and Pheoby represents the growth of the characters as well as the optimistic nature of the book. Darl’s and Addie’s relationship begins in a seemingly stable place in the novel, with Darl being perceived as conflicted…
Throughout “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, all Janie wanted to do was explore, have fun, and be her true young self. From when she was 15, she got shipped off with a man she didn’t want to be with. Left him for another guy in a new town. Then yet again left him for another man that takes her somewhere else. Every marriage, Janie was searching and pursuing for her true happiness.…
In 1937, Zora Neale Hurston broke up with the love of her life, a charming man 25-years younger than her, she ended the relationship to continuing living her life on her own uncompromising terms. The same year she wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God. The story of Janie Crawford, a black deep-thinking, deep-feeling black woman, who is in search for her own self. In Janie´s life, we can find many similarities to Hurston´s own life. Hurston, born in 1891, was the child of ex-slaves who were liberated after The American Civil War.…
At a young age of sixteen, Janie realizes her dream and carries it with her throughout the story. From the moment of her revelation under the pear tree, she realizes that her dream is to find the type of love where she would be free and treated as an equal. The following quote displays…
The novel is centered around Janie and focuses mainly on her interaction and relationships formed with men. Although this is the case, Janie never seems to achieve her “happily ever…
Janie’s dream starts off to be a life with true love, but is change when she marries into a relationship where she is not treated as an equal. With Janie’s first husband she was beaten and verbally abused. One day when she was doing the laundry she meet a man named Joe Starks, which she later ran off with to marry. She was certain that her and Joe’s relationship was based on true love, but as she got to known his true personality she no longer wanted to repeat what happen in her first marriage. The narrator describes Janie’s feelings; “ Everyday after that they managed to meet in the scrub oaks across the road and talk about when he would be a big ruler of things with her reaping benefits.…
From Janie’s experience with Logan Killicks as well as Nanny’s advice, Janie was able to discover what she truly wanted from a marriage. Marriage did not create love so Janie learned she wanted to marry someone she loved. Although Joe Starks was a loving husband at first, he began insulting Janie for her diminishing looks although he was ironically growing old too. Due to the insults during their marriage, Janie found her voice and learned to speak up for herself. After Joe passed away, the marriage with Tea Cake is what allowed Janie to completely discover her identity.…
"The syncopated beauty of Hurston 's prose, her remarkable gift for comedy, the sheer visceral terror of the book 's climax, all transcend any label that critics have tried to put on this remarkable work." (The Big Read) As a result of this, she has became an inspiration to many writers. She was able to capture glimpses of her life in Their Eyes Were Watching God helping readers to see that Janie found her voice through the way she acted. As each generation reads this story, people will bring about something new in their understanding of it.…
Water. One of the few basic necessities of life. There isn’t a single living organism that can survive without water. However, the water that keeps us alive, can just as easily kill us. The same calm body of water can lead to a powerful and deadly waterfall.…
Introduction In her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, author Zora Neale Hurston incorporates the figurative presence of a horizon in her framing of the plot’s beginning in end, as well as the personal development that protagonist Janie Mae Crawford experiences in the form of a journey of self-realization. The concept of a horizon is critical to the work in two aspects. First, it serves as a metaphor to exemplify the distance separating Janie from the genuine happiness she seeks, which Hurston presents at the beginning of the text as a generalization and reiterated in the final lines to specifically represent the apex of Janie’s own journey. The second function of the concept is in the context of the term “widening one’s horizons,” in that…
Throughout Janie’s life, she attempts to find love through three…
Throughout their relationship, she is continuously oppressed and controlled by Joe which confuses Janie into believing that this is how love is supposed to be. When Jody finally dies, Janie is liberated from his oppression and finally feels free. It is because of this relationship that Janie feels the biggest need for independence and spending time finding herself instead of worrying about making others happy or finding “love” as she did before. The relationships in Janie’s life have, undoubtedly, shaped her character over the course of the novel, and contributed to the overall theme of Janie’s journey, which is finding her independence and…
Imani Blaize Dr. Ingram ENG 3347 When studying Zora Neale Hurston one will notice a number of major themes inside of her works. During the Harlem Rennisance the 'New Negro Movement” came about and Zora Neale Hurston served as an influential role during this time period. Hurston is a novelist, anthropologist, and folklorist. Hurston 's poetry and writings can be recognized for her keen way of relaying her feelings about racial division throughout her works. The common themes of ' 'african pride ' and the female identity can be found throughout a majority of her writings…
Her grandmother wanted her to marry him for protection and also because she knew he could provide for Janie. But the theme of the love not buying happiness rings true because first, Janie never truly loved Logan, second, Janie’s second marriage to Jody also did not…