"The syncopated beauty of Hurston 's prose, her remarkable gift for comedy, the sheer visceral terror of the book 's climax, all transcend any label that critics have tried to put on this remarkable work." (The Big Read) As a result of this, she has became an inspiration to many writers. She was able to capture glimpses of her life in Their Eyes Were Watching God helping readers to see that Janie found her voice through the way she acted. As each generation reads this story, people will bring about something new in their understanding of it. Today, her works are recognized as masterpieces. Their Eyes Were Watching God was "the finest black novel of its time." (Mary Washington vii) Janie 's words and actions were symbolic to the life of Zora Neale Hurston. Janie was able to gain her own independence and personal freedom, which is what makes her a true heroine in the
"The syncopated beauty of Hurston 's prose, her remarkable gift for comedy, the sheer visceral terror of the book 's climax, all transcend any label that critics have tried to put on this remarkable work." (The Big Read) As a result of this, she has became an inspiration to many writers. She was able to capture glimpses of her life in Their Eyes Were Watching God helping readers to see that Janie found her voice through the way she acted. As each generation reads this story, people will bring about something new in their understanding of it. Today, her works are recognized as masterpieces. Their Eyes Were Watching God was "the finest black novel of its time." (Mary Washington vii) Janie 's words and actions were symbolic to the life of Zora Neale Hurston. Janie was able to gain her own independence and personal freedom, which is what makes her a true heroine in the