Other times, strong-smelling plants or acidic juices were mixed with spices to create sauces for an assortment of dishes. After cleaning, preparing, and cooking a large bird such as a swan, peacock, or crane, cooks during the renaissance would sometimes re-attach feathers for mere decoration. The multiple methods used for preparing food helped give people during the Elizabethan Era a huge assortment of flavors.
During this Era, many dishes began to gain popularity among the people, and many new foods were discovered as well. The Renaissance is known for the large variety of flavors in an even larger variety of dishes. An assortment of delectable dishes would have included Roast Roebuck, Mutton Broth, Roast Capon, Ginger Waffles, and Cream Flan. Throughout the Renaissance Period, fish was an extremely popular food. People consumed cod, anchovies, herring, and sardines, along with salmon and trout that could be caught in streams. Whale meat could have been found near the top of the list of expensive and well-known foods during the period.(Encyclopedia.com) Beverages also played a major role in the Renaissance era, yet they varied within different regions. The popular drink of the south