How Did James Madison Contribute To Government

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James Madison Jr. was born on March 16, 1751 in Port Conway, Virginia, He was the oldest of twelve children, five of which passed away. James grew up in Orange County, Virginia, his father James Madison was a very successful man at his job as a planter, he owned more than 3,000 acres of land and also owned a large amount slaves. Madison's father was also a large figure in country affairs.
Around 1762 Madison was sent to a boarding school in King and Queen County, Virginia. The school was ran by a man by the name of Donald Robertson. Madison spent five years at the boarding school and returned back to Orange County, Virginia, to his father's estate, which was called “Montpelier”. Madison’s father had the young boy stay home, where he received private tutoring. Madison was a very ill man, he would often get sick throughout his life, which could be one of the reasons that he did not grow - he was the shortest U.S. president, and was 4 - 5 inches shorter than
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He went to the college of New Jersey which is now an ivy league school, Princeton University. Madison being a very smart and bright kid studied Latin, Greek, Science and Philosophy, and other subjects, he graduated in 1771, though he stayed even longer to continue studying, with the head of the school, the school's president Reverend John Witherspoon.
When Madison came from New Jersey back to Virginia in 1772 he was soon caught up in tensions between the British and The colonies. He was then elected to Orange County Committee of safety in the winter of 1774 and in 1775 he joined the militia in Virginia as colonel.
In 1776 is when Madison met long time friend Thomas Jefferson at the Virginia Convention where he represented Orange County. Madison was appointed to work as one of the writers on the Virginia constitution where he work with fellow writer George Mason, he was noted as working on rephrasing parts about religious

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