How Did George Kill Lennie

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“The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger.” In the book Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie travel from job to job hoping one day to have a place of their own. Lennie makes it difficult to keep a job since he always gets in trouble. George has to decide, whether he should kill Lennie. George did the right thing by killing Lennie because, locking Lennie up wouldn’t have been better, he put Lennie in a better place, and Curley would have killed Lennie violently.
Other people claim that George should not have killed Lennie because they were friends and killing Lennie would make their friendship pointless. If George wouldn’t have killed Lennie he wouldn’t get to stay at the Ranch he would have had to leave since he was tied to Lennie. Also, if George wouldn’t have killed Lennie, they could have gone off somewhere and started over trying to achieve their goal of the
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If George wouldn’t have shot Lennie, Lennie could have been lynched or tortured and hurt in many ways. If George would not have shot Lennie he wouldn’t be a good friend, George put Lennie out of his misery from suffering. It doesn’t seem fair to Lennie that he was killed, but if you really think about it, it was the best thing that could have been done for him. After reading Of Mice and Men I realized that this is how our society works. George killing Lennie was essentially Society’s way of getting rid of the loose ends, the weak, even though Lennie was physically strong doesn’t mean he was mentally strong. I think reading the book is important because it is a way for us to really see what kind of a world we are living in. This proves America is not perfect now and never will be, nor can it ever

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