Sympathization Of Lennie In Of Mice And Men, By John Steinbeck

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“ Course he ain’t mean. But he gets in trouble alla time because he’s so Goddamn dumb.” (pg. 41). Lennie Smalls, in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, is the pathos of this story. This line was said by George Milton describing Lennie, which makes sympathize him because he’s a nice person and a hard worker, but he gets into trouble a lot. Lennie’s too dumb to know what’s right and what’s wrong, he just does what he just told to do. “He ain’t bright. Hell of a good worker, though. Hell of a nice fella, but he ain’t bright...” (pg. 34). Without the feeling of sympathizing for Lennie, the story would be pointless. The whole story is centered around Lennie and how people sympathize him, which make the reader feel for the character. If the author …show more content…
If George didn’t end up killing Lennie, other people and animals would up dying in Lennie’s hands. If he didn’t kill Lennie someone else would. Lennie ended up killing Curley’s wife trying to make her quiet, as revenge Curley wanted to end Lennie’s life. “I’m gonna get him. I'm going for my shotgun..” (pg. 96). George didn’t want someone to kill Lennie and wanted him to die peacefully. Before he shot Lennie, George told him to imagine the farm of his dream that he wants.
“Look across the river, Lennie, an’ I’ll tell you so you can almost see it.” (pg.105). Lennie always does what he is told and he doesn’t know what is right from wrong. When Lennie uses his strength he doesn’t know when it’s too much strength is too much. At the end of chapter 3, Lennie uses his strength on Curley because George told him too. Lennie ended up breaking Curley's hand, he didn’t know how much strength to use. Lennie always gets George and him in trouble, George knew that they wouldn’t be able to achieve Lennie’s dream of having a rabbit farm. George didn’t want to disappoint Lennie when they don’t get the rabbit farm that he wanted so badly and ended up killing someone for
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George knows that if he didn’t kill Lennie himself someone else will. George wants Lennie to leave with an image and that image is that Lennie has his rabbit farm, and they live happily on their own ranch or farm. In hopes that Lennie is in a better place and doesn’t have to be afraid of his rabbit farm being taken away from him. “Let’s do it now. Let’s get that place now” (pg. 106). Lennie’s last words before George sent him to his farm. Lennie’s rabbit farm. George had to protect Lennie from the truth that is the world. This is the only way for Lennie to be alive without actually being alive. If Curley had killed him, George knew that he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself and wouldn’t be at peace. This the only way for Lennie to get his dream and for him to be at

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