Theme Of Loyalty In Of Mice And Men

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Friendship is one of the most important relationships someone will have in their lives. A person's friends can change the way they perceive the world, their goals and ambitions, and their motivation to get what they want. If someone is around successful people with goals in life, they will most likely aspire to do the same. Having good friends is an powerful part of someone's life. One of the most important parts of a good friendship is loyalty. Loyalty in friendship is being supportive and sticking by someone. Loyalty holds a friendship together, so that each friend can trust each other and rely on each other when they need help. In John Steinbeck's,“Of Mice and Men,” the theme of friendship and loyalty is shown throughout the novel from …show more content…
Curley and many of the workers were set out to find Lennie and either kill him on the spot, or make him suffer for a long time for killing Curley's wife. On the search for Lennie, George finds him out where they had planned to meet if something bad ever happened. George sat beside Lennie and began talking about their dream house and garden. These dreams were always Lennie's favorite thing to talk about, so when George started, Lennie was calm and listening. George says, “You… an me. Everybody gonna be nice to you. Ain't nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from 'em” (Steinbeck 106). This shows how George was trying to make Lennie's last thought peaceful. Friendship and loyalty are an important part of anyone's life. Without friendship, a person will be lonely and sad for their whole lives. Most people would do anything for their friend if they are loyal, and some might even die for their friend. In Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, Lennie and George's friendship is one of the main themes in the story. George makes sure Lennie has a good life and helps him when he gets in trouble and Lennie defends George when he thinks he's in danger. Although there are many hardships throughout the story, Lennie and George's friendship continues and they stay loyal to each

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