How Did European Exploration Altered Life In America

Improved Essays
The European explorations of Asia and the America’s forever altered life in Europe. A desire for new sources of wealth was the main reason for the beginning of European explorations. Explorations presented the opportunities to gain status and wealth. Some ways exploration altered life was that it led to new navigational techniques being introduced in European. This increased the knowledge of European sailors and led to many more explorations to Asia and the Americas. Several European countries raced to claim unmarked territories to be known as empire builders. Trade and colonization’s were other reasons how Europe was impacted. The explorations and conquests of the conquistadors transformed Spain. The Spanish led to an expansion to foreign trade as well as overseas colonization. This led to Spain being one of richest and powerful nations at that time. More goods, raw materials and precious metals entered Europe. Trading and selling goods from around the world led to a greater increase in profits for merchants. European merchants began to dominate trade in China and Japan and converted many people to Christianity. They sought to convert people to Christianity and reap the riches in Asian ports. The “Atlantic System” helped Europeans gain access to the metals of the Americas. This allowed them to have something to offer to their trading partners in Asia. Europe was also altered because of religious revolts. Religious conflicts both weakened European dynasties and whetted their appetite for conquer abroad. Religious revolts divided nations and many wars occurred because of this. New land and agriculture were crucial to Europe’s economy and cultural success. The Colombian Exchange was significant because both Europe and the Americas benefited. Europe was able to horses, wheat, grapevines and sugarcanes for new crops such as potatoes and corn. Portuguese success in the Indian Ocean was partly the result of a revolution in the military technologies that owed much to borrowing from Asia. Gold and silver brought them great success because they were able to hoard from themselves, the monarchs as well as introduce it to the world’s commercial system. New World silver brought Europeans greater access to Chinas coveted goods such as silk and cotton textiles, rice, porcelain ceramics, and paper. Pepper was a spice …show more content…
After the Black Death, global economics was only able to establish again because of China’s economy. They were the reason commerce rebounded which expanded the economy tremendously in Asia. They were able to gain silver from merchants which replaced the paper money the previous predecessors had used. This became essential to the Ming monetary system. China was the only country that became the final repository of the world’s silver. Asia’s geographical areas helped make them superior to Europe because many Asian nations were the center of trade routes. The Americas were superior because unlike the Europeans they had learned to survive on resources from their land. They were able to mine silver and gold. Sugar was also a valuable export from the Americas. The value of sugar surpassed silver as an export from the Americas to Europe.
The Americas were inferior to Europe because they did not have the technological resources or man power as the Europeans. Their weak immunity to the diseases brought from the Europeans put them to disadvantage which lead to catastrophic decline in

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