6th Hour
Chapter 14
-Empires in Europe expanded via maritime
-Brazil was under the Portuguese and European colonies over most of Americas
-Geographical position of Europe put it in a better position than Asia because it was closer to new continent
-Merchants wanted Asian wealth with no middle man between
-Colonies offered a new start for poor or unfortunate Europeans and escape from their old society
-Native American rivalries helped Europeans defeat one another
-Native American and death rate skyrocketed because they had no immunities to the germs and bacteria foreigners brought over
-Because of almost no natives left, Europeans needed new labor force and chose Africans
-American staple crops were brought over to Europe …show more content…
in Europe, many people went to the colonies in Americas
-Europeans didn’t create same society they had overseas; completely different
-Colonies believed in mercantilism
-Aztec and Incas were conquered by Spain
-Spain created cities, schools, churches, and more in the Americas
-Natives forced to work on crops and mine for gold and silver provided economic basis
-Spain, unlike other colonies, recreated their Spanish culture and society
-Major gender imbalance meant Spain had to repopulate with natives, creating Mestizos
-Natives treated poorly, but church tried to fight for better treatment
-Spain had more racial mixing and blurred lines than North American colonies, but more harsh
-Demand for sugar in Europe created sugar colonies that Portuguese later took over before British, French, and Dutch
-Sugar colonies often referred to as first industry that was modern
-Mulattoes were a mix between Portuguese and African
-North American slavery was plantation based
-United States slaves could repopulate by themselves
-Spaniards had smaller population and more underdeveloped than British
-Moscow began conquering cities close to it and worked its way up to an empire
-They were able to conquer because of advanced