How Did East India Company Influence British Imperialism

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During this presentation, we will discuss the different aspects of the East India Company that helped influence British imperialism. Before going into the presentation let’s start with what the East India Company is. The East India Trading Company was founded specifically to get in on the industry based on the spice trade in East India. Given its monopolistic practices and size, it had a lot of political influence in England. The company even employed a private army, to control trade into and out of India. In the nineteenth century, Thomas Creevey saw the Company as a burden and grievance to the nation and themselves. This concern was no longer the main problem after the attention turned to the question of whether the current monopoly trade arrangements represented the best possible form of economic link between Asia and Britain. Citizens remained positive and really believed that in the right circumstances that the company would be able to come up with a revenue surplus that would be transferred to Britain. These issues with the Company’s soon weakened the company’s defenses against those who wanted to break its monopoly trade with India. Prior to the Spanish Armada, the spice trade in East India was controlled almost entirely by Spain and Portugal. When the British defeated the Spaniards, a group of British Merchants saw the opportunity and formed a joint-stock co-op to gain control over the spice trade. When it was first founded, the company had 125 shareholders and $72,000 of capital. The East India Company quickly grew from it’s founding in 1600. As early as 1620, the company had begun using slave labor as well as participating in the slave trade, most of them which had been gathered from Mozambique and especially Madagascar.The company was so prosperous in its endeavors that it developed a lobby for itself in the English parliament. By 1720 almost 15 percent of imports coming into Britain were from India, almost all of which passed through the hands of the East India Company. The company employed a private army of mercenaries to protect their own interests in India. During the Seven Years war, lasting from 1756 - 1763, the East India Company became more than the joint-stock company they began as, turning into a major military and territorial power. …show more content…
The East India Company was accused of having gained territory with the use of the British fleets and armies, and no subjects of Great Britain could hold territory independent of the Crown. Only through an agreement with the British government to pay them £400,000 each year was the East India Company able to salvage their existence. In the years during which the Opium trade was popular in China, the East India Company controlled almost all opium that went through Bengal beginning in the year 1773. Since company ships were not officially allowed to carry opium, they sold in Calcutta, provided it be sent to China. The ban on opium in China was reinforced in 1799, however, the amount of Opium estimated to have been smuggled in that year by the East India Company was 900 tons. In the year 1838 China imposed the death penalty on anyone caught smuggling opium, but, in that year, the estimated amount of opium smuggled into the country reached 1,400 tons. The British gained

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