GEOG 1HA3 – Human Geographies: Society & Culture – Fall 2017
Homework Task #12 – GIS Maps & Interpretation
This homework task involves two main steps:
1. Produce two maps using the ‘step-by-step’ instructions located in the ‘Instructions & Questions’ document
2. Answer the four questions below.
Insure you have pasted your two ‘cropped’ maps in the space provided (in the space following the questions below). Make sure to save this document to your computer (insure it is saved as a .doc or .docx file or else it may not be properly read in Avenue/Turn-it-In). Then, be sure to submit this homework task to the appropriate drop-box …show more content…
1. United States Diversity Index: Briefly define the diversity index (in your own words). Note: if you click on the small arrow next to the layer title, you will have an option to ‘show item details’ … this may help.
The USA Diversity Index 2016 is a choropleth map that highlights the racial and ethnic diversity of the United States in 2016 based on country, state, county, ZIP code, tract and block group. When two people are chosen at random from the same area, the diversity index shows the likelihood of that individual being part of a different race or ethnic group. The index ranges from no diversity represented by 0% to 100% complete diversity.
2. United States Diversity Index: Given the definition you provided above, what are the maps that you produced actually showing? In a couple of sentences, explain what these maps mean.
The map that I produced is showing the spatial patterns of different race and ethnic groups all around the USA. The darker the hue value of the tile on the map the more likely you would find a diverse individual in that area. For instance, in the areas of the south of USA, it is clearly evident that proves to a more ethnically diverse population in comparison to the …show more content…
United States Diversity Index: Briefly explain why you think the distribution of ethnic/racial diversity is the way it appears in the maps you produced?
On the first map, I believe the distribution of ethnic and racial diversity is mostly concentrated in the South as popular cities such as New York City, Boston, San Francisco, Dallas and Houston are places people often migrate to due to the economic opportunities available to potential immigrants. As a result, the attractive economic opportunities would increase the number of ethnic and racial groups in the area.
On the second map, I focused on the state, New York. The ethnic and racial diversity index is highly concentrated in the center of New York and decreases as we move away from the center. I believe the distribution appears this way as these low diversity index places are farther away from the hub of large famous cities like New Jersey, New York City and Buffalo, which are located in the center of this state.
Maps: Append your two maps here:
Map 1 – National Map (diversity index per state)
Map 2 – Regional Map (diversity index per county)
Remember to append your two maps in the space above. Be sure to submit this homework task to the appropriate drop-box on Avenue to Learn (Homework Task #12) before Tutorial