titled, “I gave a homeless man $100”. So after a few clicks, I started watching the video. What
ends up happening was the homeless man bought meals for two dozens homeless. Startled,
the youtuber gave the man a place to stay, which made me smiled. Kindness has changed my
whole life and made a better person out of me. Things such as helping your friend’s homework,
taking your time to help someone’s yard work and volunteering to help clean the storage room.
Kindness is important because without it, the world would be filled with monsters killing each
other without …show more content…
Not only have they taught me right and wrong. They also taught me to love and
the importance of being kind to everyone. One of my sharpest memories, I had was on a
tuesday. My family and I were going on a trip to banff. Banff was very beautiful, you could see the
bright vivid mountains behind the trees and lakes. The weather was very calm, all you could
really complain about it was that there was a breeze once in every five minutes, but that's about
it. Right before my family went camping, we wanted to visit the town. The town was very busy,
filled with many merchandise stories cramped together. I pleaded my mom if we could visit a …show more content…
She happily said yes, we quickly bought a cheap toy and my younger self was very happy.
We all grouped as one and went back to my dad’s 2013 Corolla Toyota. As my mom was putting
my brother on his carseat. He suddenly took my toy. Enraged, I cried. She then gave me a
lecture teaching me to love my teensy brother. I began to think the pros of the situation. If I let my
brother borrow my low-end toy, in return he’ll like me back and would help me in the future.
Being kind can benefit you and the people around you. More jobs will be available because
of the kindness that omits around you during an interview. And the feeling, you’ll receive form
your love ones. Magnificent, wonderful, awe-inspiring, stunning and impressive. Is what makes
You thrive forward, and also convinces you to live longer. I remember when I was younger,
I had a remarkable conversation with my little brother. We were talking about many hobbies we
Had in the past. Our conversation, made me feel really good and gets me thinking about many
Kindness form the basis of our relationship with others and define many aspects of our lives.
The story I have mentioned showed tremendously how important