Did you know that doctors were the backbone of the Nazi genocide? The doctors experimented on anyone deemed undesirable, such Jews, homosexuals and the disabled. They mercilessly experimented on thousands of people and few ever paid for their crimes. The experiments hurt and killed thousands of people and showed the most vile of science and medicine.
The experiments were divided into three categories, military experiments, pharmaceutical and racially motivated. The military experiments were primarily conducted at Dachau and were meant to find ways to better the German army. They included the hypothermia/freezing experiments, the potable seawater experiments on gypsies, finding cures for war wounds and the high altitude tests. The pharmaceutical experiments were conducted to find cures for various illnesses such as malaria and tuberculosis. This category also includes the phosgene and sulfilimade tests. The last category was the racially motivated experiments; this included artificial insemination, sterilization, and the twin experiments. These experiments were done to find out how to better the German “race” and ideals. These are the most well known of all the experiments. The three categories were extremely …show more content…
Artificial insemination is impregnating a woman by injecting sperm into their cervix. The insemination was performed by Dr. Carl Clauberg an esteemed gynecologist with expertise in women's sex hormones. He was appointed by Heinrich Himmler after inseminating an SS officer's sterile wife. He artificially inseminated 300 women in the terrifying Block 10. The women were strapped down onto a bench and inseminated by Clauberg. Clauberg would taunt the women mercilessly by saying he injected them with animal sperm and now they were growing monsters in their wombs. The women underwent immense pain and suffering along with lasting effects from the