Heroes In The Odyssey

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Dan Simmons, an American author, once said, “A hero. You want to be one of those rare human beings who make history, rather than merely watch it flow around them like water around a rock.” Heroes are ordinary people that stand up for what they believe in, even if they stand alone. Heros are fearless at times when the challenges seem impossible. They are everyday people doing extraordinary things. Despite their flaws, heroes make the world a better place to live in. They have the power to inspire others when all hope is lost. They take problems in the society and make a positive, affective solution. Overall, a hero is an inspiration to men and women everywhere, selfless when helping people in need, and doesn’t do good acts for recognition or …show more content…
To clarify, heroes are an inspiration by getting others to stand up for a good cause or making people step outside their comfort zone. Odysseus, from the epic The Odyssey, inspired his men to kill a cyclops in order to survive. “Then I thrust the stake into the depth of the ashes to heat it, and inspired my men with encouraging words, so none would hang back from fear” (Homer 17). You can imagine how heroic that looks. Odysseus’s men trust him - he would give them strength. If no one could influence people in a good way, we wouldn’t have motivation to do anything. We would be afraid of everything that seems scary or impossible and wouldn’t have the courage to try. In addition to Odysseus, the Hoyts are an perfect example of inspiring heroes. In the video Labor of Love it says, “These days, hundreds of families are pushing their own disabled children in races, inspired by the Hoyts devotion.” The Hoyts got the attention of hundreds of people and motivated …show more content…
“Listen, I don’t mind dying now. It’s worth it. It’s worth saving those kids.” (Hilton 178). Johnny Cade didn’t want recognition, he just wanted to save the children from the fire that him and Ponyboy started. They are Greasers, they didn’t want to draw attention to themselves. Although a hero gets rewards for doing good they don’t do good acts for fame or popularity. A hero doesn’t even think when acting, they just do. Heros do the service for the good of it. Not because they want to get on TV. “The qualities that enabled Sullenberger to become a hero were forged through decades of rigorous training and experience, in both military and civilian aviation” (Kiger). In addition to Jonny Cade, Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger didn’t want to become famous for saving 155 people’s lives, it was just what he was trained to do. Sulley didn’t successfully land a plane on the Hudson river on purpose, he didn't cut the engines. He didn’t save all those people for fame and recognition. Heroes want to to help others and make their lives easier. Similarly, Abraham Lincoln didn’t want to become a hero for preserving the nation, freeing the slaves, and strengthening the people. He was simply doing what was right. He gave the citizens counsels and advice (Gurley). He didn’t save them to become president and a lifelong leader. Heros just act, and they don’t focus on what the outcome is going to

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