If the movement of people, food, and manufactured goods can have such a negative impact on public health, should steps be taken to reduce these flows? What other options are there for lowering the spread of global diseases?
Steps definitely are taken and have to be taken to reduce the flow of people, food and manufactured goods.
Border controls
Due to difficulties in Zimbabwe, people are left with no option than to jump borders, entering Botswana, South Africa etc. without passports. When someone can enter a country not through the required entry points then that person is dangerous to the …show more content…
For example, if one has tuberculosis, he/she needs quarantine and also with belongs like cup, toothbrush etc.
How does increased trade in food lead to the spread of food-borne illnesses? What measures can be taken to reduce the incidence of these diseases?
Globalization opened doors for international trade; we see international food outlets everywhere in the world like McDonald, Pizza Inn etc. Farmers and companies are exporting their fresh and dairy products. There is mass production in companies to meet international demands. With all these factors in mind, there is a risk of spreading food-borne illnesses.
Lack of experience on food handlers leads to contamination
Little effort is put to consider the safety and health issues on the food
Most processing and distribution of the food is demand oriented thereby investing little on the standards to be adhered to before exporting and distributing food.
There is need for food monitoring and surveillance programs to help detect and curb the spread and reoccurrence of the illnesses (“The Global Public Health System,” …show more content…
Every country should have import/export health organisations to check and clear food items before allowed for public consumption. Clearance Certificates should be issued to guarantee safety authenticity on products
How do you feel about genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? Do you feel that the benefits outweigh the costs of producing food in this manner? Why or why not? Explain.
GMOs debates illustrate the mixed feelings amongst people.
I feel modifying plants and animals for the sake of parasites resistance is a noble initiative that serves to protect nutritional values loss.
Modifying plants and animals for the purpose of faster growth and yielding high quantities is too much experimenting with human race, lives are at stake and if something is to go wrong, there is no reverse. Artificial nutrition is never better than natural one, nature always wins against artificial. Why trying to change natural ways of things, it is like changing your colour from white to black, that will always yields some