Gun Violence In Chicago Essay

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Every week, dozens of lives are taken in the city of Chicago through the use of gun violence. These homicides happen most commonly in the southern neighborhoods of the city, notably areas such as Englewood, Austin, and Humboldt Park just to name a few. It just so happens that the city of Chicago is the city in which it is most difficult to acquire a firearm of any sort with the proper licensing. It is so difficult that we are ranked 1st when it comes to gun control in the United States of America. We are also ranked 1st when it comes to homicides in the U.S.A. The question is: Are these two statistics directly correlated? What can our nation and local community do to lower the number of homicides in Chicago? If you have been paying attention to current events, you will know …show more content…
Now finally, what can be done to prevent gun trafficking within the border of the United States? A thug named John Lennon (yes, like the Beatle) is serving 28 years to life in New York Attica prison for killing another thug. John Lennon has “revealed” the way he got his gun and the way his thug-buddies also get their guns and how we can stop it (Dave Ross, MYNorthwest). The process is a gun runner finds a druggie who needs cash, they have them buy guns in unregulated states. He or she then takes a bus to NYC or Chicago and then sells it for more drug money. This can be prevented with strict background checks. The gun sellers really need to start investigating their purchasers. Track their credit cards, it is a red flag if someone who has never bought a gun buys 1-5 at once. Any gun store can claim that they have had some of their inventory stolen, but in reality they sold them to one of these gun mules. John Lennon says that he always bought a new gun after each crime, he never stole them. According to former NYC Mayor Bloomberg, “The percentage of guns used in crimes that are brought here from out-of-state had increased from 85 to 90 percent”

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